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[英]How can I split a string given a specific format?

I have dates in string format that sometimes are like this: 05-11-2009 16:59:20 and sometime are like this: 2013-12-05T22:00:00:00Z and some other time are like this: 2013-12-05T22:00:00:00.000Z . 我有一些字符串格式的日期,有时像这样: 05-11-2009 16:59:20有时是这样的: 2013-12-05T22:00:00:00Z还有其他时间是这样的: 2013-12-05T22:00:00:00.000Z

I wrote a function that extract the month day and year from those dates, but I would like a function that can work for all of them passing in input the format. 我编写了一个从这些日期中提取月份和月份的函数,但是我希望该函数可以对所有以输入格式传递的日期起作用。 something like: 就像是:

function DateParts(datetime, format) {
    var matches = datetime.splitByFormat(format);

    this.getYear = function () {
       return matches[3];
    this.getMonth = function () {
        return (matches[2] - 1) +"" ;
    this.getDay = function () {
        return matches[1];
    this.getHours = function () {
        return matches[4];
    this.getMinutes = function () {
    return matches[5];
    this.getSeconds = function () {
        return matches[6];

Where format will be soething like "yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss" or "dd-mm-yyyyThh:MM:ss.dddZ" or whatever. 格式应该像"yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss""dd-mm-yyyyThh:MM:ss.dddZ"

Is there a nice way of creating the splitByFormat function without having to substring my head off? 有没有一种很好的方法来创建splitByFormat函数,而不必再烦恼了吗?

One regex to find them all: 一个正则表达式可以找到它们全部:


If you use this regex string, you are able to just capture the different groupings: 如果使用此正则表达式字符串,则可以捕获不同的分组:

  • year
  • month
  • day
  • hour 小时
  • minute 分钟
  • second 第二
  • millisecond 毫秒
  • centisecond 百分之一秒

What about this? 那这个呢? anything better anyone? 有什么更好的人吗?

function DateParts(datetime, format) {

    this.getYear = function () {
        if (format) {
            ind = format.indexOf("yyyy");
            return datetime.substring(ind, ind + 4);
         return "";

    this.getMonth = function () {
        if (format) {
            ind = format.indexOf("mm");
            return datetime.substring(ind, ind + 2);
        return "";            
    this.getDay = function () {
        if (format) {
            ind = format.indexOf("gg");
            return datetime.substring(ind, ind + 2);
       return "";

This simple class FormatAnalyzer could be a beginning. 这个简单的类FormatAnalyzer可能是一个开始。 It works. 有用。

FormatAnalyzer f = new FormatAnalyzer("yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss");
f.getYear("2013-07-11 15:39:00");
f.getMonth("2013-07-11 15:39:00");

where 哪里

public class FormatAnalyzer {

    private String format;
    private int yearBegin;
    private int yearEnd;
    private int monthBegin;
    private int monthEnd;
    // ...

    public FormatAnalyzer(String format) {
        this.format = format;

    public String getYear(String date) {
        return date.substring(yearBegin, yearEnd);

    public String getMonth(String date) {
        return date.substring(monthBegin, monthEnd);

    private void analyzeFormat() {
        yearBegin = yearEnd = format.indexOf("y");
        while (format.indexOf("y", ++yearEnd) != -1) {
        monthBegin = monthEnd = format.indexOf("m");
        while (format.indexOf("m", ++monthEnd) != -1) {
        // and so on for year, day, ...

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