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[英]CodeIgniter: Array to string conversion error on a page supposed to retrieve data from a table, then edit and update

I'm trying to get records and let users of the application edit details of records and update new details. 我正在尝试获取记录,并让应用程序的用户编辑记录的详细信息并更新新的详细信息。 But when I print_r ($row->emp_name) it returns: John Smith and ($row->emp_type) returns Cachier which are correct values. 但是当我print_r($ row-> emp_name)时,它返回:John Smith和($ row-> emp_type)返回Cachier,它们是正确的值。 But why those data are not passed into the 'emp_name' and 'emp_type' inputs in the view? 但是,为什么这些数据没有传递到视图中的“ emp_name”和“ emp_type”输入中?

Second question: I also want to know how to define a value for a dropdown, to be selected on load. 第二个问题:我还想知道如何为下拉列表定义一个值,以便在加载时选择。 Note that the dropdown values has to be from a database and should be retrieved in a similar way described above. 请注意,下拉值必须来自数据库,并且应该以上述类似的方式进行检索。


View: 视图:

    $js = 'id="emp_name"';
    echo form_input('emp_name', $emp_name, set_value('emp_name'), $js);

Controller: 控制器:

function index() {

    //$data['query'] = $this->default_price_model->get_employees_table();
    $this_employee['emp_name'] = $this->default_price_model->current_cmployees();
    //$temp_array=array_merge($data, $this_employee);

    $this->load->view('/edit/employees', $this_employee);

function form_validation() {

    if($this->input->post('this_employee') == "View") {         
    else {

        $this->form_validation->set_rules('emp_name','Employee Name', 'required|min_length[3]|max_length[60]');
        $this->form_validation->set_rules('emp_type','Employee Name', 'required');
        $this->form_validation->set_rules('emp_description','Optional Description', 'max_length[500]');

        if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE ) {
        else {

function populate_form() {
    $selection = $this->input->post('select_employee');
    $data['emp_name'] = $this->default_price_model->get_employees_table($selection);

Model: 模型:

function get_employees_table($selection) {
    $query = $this->db->query(" SELECT emp_name, emp_type, emp_description
                                FROM employees 
                                WHERE emp_name='$selection' 
                                ORDER BY emp_name ASC 
                                LIMIT 1");
    if($query->num_rows()>0) {
        foreach($query->result() as $row) {

Your form input is just has the form values if set in set_value not your database values it should look like this 您的表单输入只是具有表单值(如果在set_value设置的话),而不是您的数据库值,它应该看起来像这样

    $js = 'id="emp_name"';
    echo form_input('emp_name', $emp_name,
set_value('emp_name', isset($emp_name[0]->emp_name) ? $emp_name[0]->emp_name : '') 
, $js);

$emp_name is what you have from the controller and has the db values $emp_name是您从控制器获得的,并具有db值

$data['emp_name'] = $this->default_price_model->get_employees_table($selection);

One thing i have notice you haven't returned any results from the query in your model and also the foreach loop is doing nothing 我注意到一件事,您尚未从模型中的查询中返回任何结果,并且foreach循环也无济于事

function get_employees_table($selection) {
    $query = $this->db->query(" SELECT emp_name, emp_type, emp_description
                                FROM employees 
                                WHERE emp_name='$selection' 
                                ORDER BY emp_name ASC 
                                LIMIT 1");
    if($query->num_rows()>0) {
      return $query->result();
    return 0;

Hope it helps you 希望对您有帮助

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