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[英]Calling the right overloaded parent method

I have a question regarding method overloading and inheritance. 我有一个关于方法重载和继承的问题。 I have the following program: 我有以下程序:

class Face {};
class Point {};

typedef double Real;

class Func
  const char *m_name, *m_desc;

  Func(const char *name,
       const char *desc) : m_name(name), m_desc(desc) {}

  virtual Real value(Face &f) = 0;

  Real value(Point &p) {return 0.;}

  virtual ~Func() {}

class QuadFunc : public Func
  QuadFunc() : Func("quad", "Quadratic") {}

  Real value(Face &f) override {return 0.;}

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  QuadFunc func;

  Face f;
  Point p;

  // why doesn't this work?

  return 0;

Sadly g++ tells me that there is "no matching function for call to 'QuadFunc::value(Point&)'". 可悲的是,g ++告诉我“没有匹配函数来调用'QuadFunc :: value(Point&)'”。 As far as I am concerned if I call QuadFunc::value(Point&) the call should be redirected to the parent class Func. 就我而言,如果我调用QuadFunc :: value(Point&),则应将调用重定向到父类Func。 This does work if I rename value(Point &p) to p_value(Point &p) and call that method instead. 如果我将值(Point&p)重命名为p_value(Point&p)并调用该方法,则此方法有效。 Can I somehow get the overloaded method to work as I expect? 我能以某种方式使重载方法按我的预期工作吗?

Your override in QuadFunc hides the overloaded function in Func . QuadFunc覆盖Func 隐藏重载函数。

You can bypass this hiding, by using a Func reference (or pointer) to a QuadFunc object: 您可以通过使用对QuadFunc对象的Func引用(或指针)来绕过此隐藏:

QuadFunc qf;
Func &func = qf;

Face f;
Point p;

func.value(p);  // Works

A better solution is to "import" the value symbol into the QuadFunc class from the Func class. 更好的解决方案是将value符号从Func类“导入”到QuadFunc类中。 You do that with the using keyword: 您可以using关键字:

class QuadFunc : public Func
    using Func::value;

    // ...

Then you don't have to use the reference workaround. 然后,您不必使用参考解决方法。

You need to use the using directive if you want to overload a member function from a base class (also you might need the already mentioned virtual ), so the code will become: 如果要从基类中重载成员函数,则需要使用using指令(也可能需要已提到的virtual ),因此代码将变为:

class QuadFunc : public Func
  QuadFunc() : Func("quad", "Quadratic") {}

  using Func::value; //this is what you need
  Real value(Face &f) override {return 0.;}

The virtual function is hiding the function value(Point&), if you are explicit to the compiler as in: 如果您对编译器是显式的,则虚拟函数将隐藏函数值(Point&),如下所示:


it does work! 它确实有效! Test it here . 在这里测试。

In alternative you can just add 另外,你可以添加

using Func::value;

into the QuadFunc declaration, as suggested by another answer. 如另一个答案所示,进入QuadFunc声明。

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