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带有单元格参数的 VBA Excel Range()

[英]VBA Excel Range() with Cell argument

Why does the following not work:为什么以下不起作用:

Range(Cells(1,1)).Value = 3

Cells(1,1) should essentially be the same thing as using A1 right? Cells(1,1)应该与使用A1基本相同,对吗?

(I realize that I could just do Cells(1,1).Value = 3 , but I'm just curious as to why it doesn't work.) (我意识到我可以只做Cells(1,1).Value = 3 ,但我只是好奇为什么它不起作用。)

I read the MSDN entry and it shows that the first argument must be A1 style, yet something like this does work:我阅读了 MSDN 条目,它显示第一个参数必须是A1样式,但这样的操作确实有效:

Range(Cells(1,1), Cells(2,3)).Value = 2

Totally confused.完全糊涂了。

When Range is used with a single parameter, the parameter is is interpreted as a range name.Range与单个参数一起使用时,该参数被解释为范围名称。


is the same as using与使用相同


So you will get a result only is the value of Cells(1,1) is a valid range address in A1 style所以你只会得到一个结果是Cells(1,1)的值是A1样式的有效范围地址

Only when passed two range parameters are they interpreted as the corners of a range.只有当传递两个范围参数时,它们才会被解释为范围的角点。

When you want to use the Cells property to specify the parameters of the range object (if I remember rightly - I've not been using VBA for some time), then you have to effectively supply two arguments.当您想使用 Cells 属性指定范围对象的参数时(如果我没记错的话 - 我有一段时间没有使用 VBA),那么您必须有效地提供两个参数。

So if you want to reference a range object that has only one cell, then you need to write:所以如果你想引用一个只有一个单元格的范围对象,那么你需要写:

Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 1)).value = "Hello World"

Instead of referring to a single cell like this:而不是像这样引用单个单元格:

Range(Cells(1,1), Cells(1,1))

You can write:你可以写:


For a single cell its much easier: Use the default Cells() function:对于单个单元格,它更容易:使用默认的 Cells() 函数:

Cells(1,1) = "hello world"

or use a Sheet's Cells() function:或使用 Sheet 的 Cells() 函数:

Dim sht as Worksheet
Set sht = Sheets("myworksheet") ' or: = Sheets(1)
sht.Cells(1,1) = "hello world" 

For a range you'll have to use two params, as explained in the other answers given here.对于一个范围,您必须使用两个参数,如此处给出的其他答案中所述。 But the advantage is that you can set a whole range of fields to a value.但优点是您可以将整个范围的字段设置为一个值。 And you can work on a sheet that isn't the 'Active one', behind the scenes.并且您可以在幕后处理非“活动表”的工作表。 For example:例如:

Const colRand = 4
Const colDiff = 5

Dim sht as Worksheet, rngHi As Range, rngRand As Range, rngDiff As Range
Set sht = Sheets("myworksheet") ' or: = Sheets(1)

Set rngHi = sht.Range(sht.Cells(1,1), sht.Cells(3,3)
rngHi = "hello world" 

Set rngRand = sht.Range(sht.Cells(1,colRand), sht.Cells(8,colRand) ' column 4, rows 1-8
rngRand = "=RAND()"

Set rngDiff = sht.Range(sht.Cells(2,colDiff), sht.Cells(8,colDiff) ' column 5, rows 2-8
' using FormulaR1C1 in case the sheet isn't set to use that type of formula
Set rngDiff.FormulaR1C1="=RC[-1] - R[-1]C[-1]" ' on previous columnn, diff between this row and previous row


The Cells function receives either: Cells 函数接收:
a string parameter - in which you specify the A1_And_Colon Style range一个字符串参数- 您可以在其中指定 A1_And_Colon 样式范围
or two Cell parameters - the beginning cell of the range and the end cell.两个单元格参数- 范围的开始单元格和结束单元格。

So to set the range with 'cells' you need to give both cells divided by a comma:因此,要使用“单元格”设置范围,您需要用逗号分隔两个单元格:

Range(Cells(1,1), Cells(1,1)) = "hello world"
Range(Cells(2,2), Cells(3,4)) = "you cannot square around, but you can round a square"
Sheets(1).Cells(5,5) = "=Round(Sqrt(5))"

I'm writing this answer because I'm learning VBA and it took me the better part of three days to figure out what was happening here, and the official documentation does not discuss this topic at all.我写这个答案是因为我正在学习 VBA,我花了三天的大部分时间才弄清楚这里发生了什么,而官方文档根本没有讨论这个话题。 This QA is good but the information is a bit scattered, from my perspective today.这个质量保证很好,但从我今天的角度来看,信息有点分散。

Here's what I know about using the Cells() property inside a Range() object to reference a single-cell range.下面是我所知道的在 Range() 对象中使用 Cells() 属性来引用单个单元格范围的知识。 Which I need to do all the time!我需要一直做的!

Given a valid ws object...给定一个有效的 ws 对象...

You think this will work:你认为这会奏效:


It doesn't.它没有。 You'll get Run-time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object'_Worksheet' failed.您将收到运行时错误“1004”:对象“_Worksheet”的方法“范围”失败。

The obvious fix, as described by @Woody_Pride is:@Woody_Pride 所述,明显的解决方法是:

ws.Range(ws.Cells(i,j), ws.Cells(i,j))

Unfortunately, having to do this is absolutely infuriating, and is not actually strictly necessary.不幸的是,必须这样做绝对令人气愤,实际上并不是绝对必要的。

What you actually need is , as asserted by @Willby, although the explanation as to why this is the case is actually in the answer by @chris_neilsen:你真正需要的是,正如@Willby 所断言的,尽管@chris_neilsen 的回答中实际上解释了为什么会这样:


This will also work , as suggested by @pashute (who is wrong in most parts of his explanation):这也将起作用,正如@pashute 所建议的那样(他的大部分解释都错了):


Thank you to everyone who contributed on this page;感谢所有在此页面上做出贡献的人; I feel like I now, finally, have the entire picture.我觉得我现在终于拥有了整个画面。

I know sometimes you need a range for other properties other than value.我知道有时您需要一个值范围以外的其他属性。 What i would do is make a function to help you:我会做的是做一个功能来帮助你:

Public Function cellRange(ws As Worksheet, rowNum As Integer, colNum As Integer) As Range
    Set cellRange = ws.Range(ws.Cells(rowNum, colNum), ws.Cells(rowNum, colNum))
End Function

This way you can make cleaner code:通过这种方式,您可以编写更清晰的代码:

Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
cellRange(ws, 1, 3).Interior.Color = cellRange(ws, 1, 8).Interior.Color

使用“单元格”时,需要制定 Object.cells ,例如 Application.cells(2,2) 或 activeWorksheet.cells

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