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[英]Professionally sign an applet

I've made a Java applet and I self signed it before, but due to security changes in recent Java updates, self signing no longer gives the applet the necessary permissions. 我已经制作了一个Java小程序,并且之前对其进行了自我签名,但是由于最近Java更新中的安全性更改,自签名不再赋予该小程序必要的权限。 I need the applet to be able to read the local file system to use images and to be able to connect to a MYSQL database. 我需要applet能够读取本地文件系统以使用图像并能够连接到MYSQL数据库。 The applet used to work with the database when I self signed it, but not anymore. 当我对数据库进行自签名时,该applet曾经用于数据库,但是现在不再使用了。 In addition, many unknown users will be using the applet, so I won't have control over their machines. 另外,许多未知用户将使用该applet,因此我将无法控制他们的计算机。

Where can I get my applet professionally signed and if possible, is there another way to self sign that will make the applet work? 我可以在哪里获得我的applet的专业签名,如果可能,还有另一种可以使applet正常工作的自签名方法吗?

Purchase a certificate from any reputable certificate authority. 从任何信誉良好的证书颁发机构购买证书。 Use that to sign your code. 使用它来签名您的代码。 List of CAs CA列表

Or, some companies also do this: Sign the jars themselves, but pre-populate the JDK trust store with your (self created) CA cert. 或者,有些公司也这样做:自己签名罐子,但是用您(自己创建的)CA证书预先填充JDK信任库。 If you have control over the JRE that is installed on all user machines, you can place your certificate in JRE/lib/security/cacerts so that is trusted ahead of time. 如果您可以控制所有用户计算机上安装的JRE,则可以将证书放在JRE / lib / security / cacerts中,以便提前信任。

update : This page ( Java Control Panel Documentation ) describes what type of signature is required for various client side security level settings: 更新 :此页面( Java控制面板文档 )描述了各种客户端安全级别设置所需的签名类型:

As long as the applet 'phones home' to the DB & this demo. 只要applet可以“回拨”数据库和此演示。 of the JNLP API file services 1 works for the problem machines you should be set to go for a Plug-In 2 JRE (1.6.0_10+) JRE. JNLP API文件服务 1的功能适用于有问题的计算机,您应该将其设置为使用插件2 JRE(1.6.0_10 +)JRE。 And if the client has less than that, they should seriously look to update. 如果客户的资源不足,他们应该认真考虑进行更新。 The Deployment Toolkit Script can assist with that. 部署工具包脚本可以帮助实现这一目标。

  1. It is relevant in that: 它的相关之处在于:
    • It uses a self signed certificate 它使用自签名证书
    • It allows a sand-boxed app. 它允许使用沙盒应用程序。 to read/write to the local file system. 读取/写入本地文件系统。
    • An applet launched using JWS has access to the API. 使用JWS启动的小程序可以访问API。

This should only be considered a work-around. 这仅应视为变通方法。 The correct way to solve the problem is to heed the advice offered to get a certified code certificate . 解决问题的正确方法是听取获得认证代码证书的建议 Oracle seems to be heading towards making it so that unsigned or self-signed code will not just be sand-boxed, but entirely forbidden (& that is for the best ). Oracle似乎正在努力做到这一点,以使未签名或自签名的代码不仅会被装在盒子里,而且会被完全禁止(这是最好的 )。

As an aside re. 顺带一提。 DB access: For the protection of the DB. 数据库访问:用于保护数据库。 The applet should be forced to go through a 'public interface' (via the site that hosts the applet). 应强制小程序通过“公共接口”(通过承载小程序的站点)。 Do not give the applet direct access to the DB. 不要让applet直接访问数据库。 Otherwise hackers also have direct DB access. 否则,黑客也可以直接访问数据库。

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