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[英]VQmod on new VPS not writing vqcache files or log files

I am just moving an opencart site to a staging server and have vqmod installed in the site however I can't get vqmod to create the vqcache files and it isn't even logging any errors in the vqmod/log folder. 我只是将opencart站点移至登台服务器,并在站点中安装了vqmod,但是我无法获取vqmod来创建vqcache文件,它甚至都没有在vqmod / log文件夹中记录任何错误。 I've basically set the directory structure to 777 to get it to work from a permissions point of view and everything is ownership user:www-data but still no joy. 我基本上已经将目录结构设置为777,以便从权限的角度来看它可以正常工作,并且一切都是所有权用户:www-data,但仍然很不愉快。


You should actually set the permissions for your vqmod.php to be the same as your index.php in your main OpenCart folder, not alter the owner of the file. 实际上,您应该将vqmod.php的权限设置为与vqmod.php主文件夹中的index.php相同,而不更改文件的所有者。 You should also set the permissions of the following be the same as your /system/cache/ folder 您还应该将以下各项的权限设置为与/system/cache/文件夹相同


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