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[英]pthread_join() fail on ios

I am working on a multithread project on IOS. 我正在IOS上进行多线程项目。 In my project a pthread joining is failing sometime. 在我的项目中,pthread连接有时会失败。

pthread_join(thread_id, NULL) == 0

Note: this is only occurring on IOS and it is random. 注意:这仅在IOS上发生,并且是随机的。 What can be the reason to failing the join operation. 联接操作失败的原因可能是什么。

Man page Says: 手册页说:

ERRORS pthread_join() will fail if: 错误如果出现以下情况,pthread_join()将失败:

 [EDEADLK]          A deadlock was detected or the value of thread speci-
                    fies the calling thread.

 [EINVAL]           The implementation has detected that the value speci-
                    fied by thread does not refer to a joinable thread.

 [ESRCH]            No thread could be found corresponding to that speci-
                    fied by the given thread ID, thread.

I had the same problem, and have found a simple solution: don't call pthread_detach(). 我遇到了同样的问题,并且找到了一个简单的解决方案:不要调用pthread_detach()。 According to documentation, pthread_detach moves the tread into a state where it can no longer be joined, so pthread_join fails with EINVAL. 根据文档,pthread_detach将胎面移到了无法再连接的状态,因此pthread_join失败并显示EINVAL。

The source code could look something like this: 源代码可能如下所示:

pthread_t       thread;
pthread_attr_t  threadAttr;

bool run = true;
void *runFunc(void *p) {
    while (run) { ... }

- (void)testThread {
    int status = pthread_attr_init(&threadAttr);
    NSLog(@"pthread_attr_init status: %d", status);
    status = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&threadAttr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
    NSLog(@"pthread_attr_setdetachstate status: %d", status);
    status = pthread_create(&thread, &threadAttr, &runFunc, (__bridge void *)self);
    NSLog(@"pthread_create status: %d", status);
    /* let the thread run ... */
    run = false;
    status = pthread_join(thread, NULL);
    NSLog(@"pthread_join status: %d == %d, ?", status, EINVAL);

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