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[英]Python split punctuation but still include it

This is the list of strings that I have: 这是我拥有的字符串的列表:

  ['It', 'was', 'the', 'besst', 'of', 'times,'], 
  ['it', 'was', 'teh', 'worst', 'of', 'times']

I need to split the punctuation in times, , to be 'times',',' 我需要拆分的标点符号times, ,是'times',','
or another example if I have Why?!? 还是另一个例子,如果我有Why?!? I would need it to be 'Why','?!?' 我需要它是'Why','?!?'

import string

def punctuation(string):

for word in string:
    if word contains (string.punctuation):

I know it isn't in python language at all! 我知道它根本不是python语言! but that's what I want it to do. 但这就是我想要的。

You can use finditer even if the string is more complex. 即使字符串更复杂,也可以使用finditer

    >>> r = re.compile(r"(\w+)(["+string.punctuation+"]*)")
    >>> s = 'Why?!?Why?*Why'
    >>> [x.groups() for x in r.finditer(s)]
    [('Why', '?!?'), ('Why', '?*'), ('Why', '')]

you can use regular expression, for example: 您可以使用正则表达式,例如:

In [1]: import re

In [2]: re.findall(r'(\w+)(\W+)', 'times,')
Out[2]: [('times', ',')]

In [3]: re.findall(r'(\w+)(\W+)', 'why?!?')
Out[3]: [('why', '?!?')]

In [4]: 

Something like this? 像这样吗 (Assumes punct is always at end) (假设点数总是在结尾)

def lcheck(word):
    for  i, letter in enumerate(word):
        if not word[i].isalpha():
            return [word[0:(i-1)],word[i:]]
    return [word]

value = 'times,'
print lcheck(value)

A generator solution without regex: 没有正则表达式的生成器解决方案:

import string
from itertools import takewhile, dropwhile

def splitp(s):
    not_punc = lambda c: c in string.ascii_letters+"'"  # won't split "don't"
    for w in s:
        punc = ''.join(dropwhile(not_punc, w))
        if punc:
            yield ''.join(takewhile(not_punc, w))
            yield punc
            yield w


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