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[英]Superscript in input field of text type

I have a HTML input field like this: 我有一个HTML输入字段,如下所示:

<input id="op" type="text" value="0" />

I want to update the value of this field dynamically with some string containing superscript. 我想用一些包含上标的字符串动态更新该字段的值。 It did not work and I tried this. 它没用,我试过了。

document.getElementById("op").value="a<sup>3</sup>" //don't work
document.getElementById("op").innerHTML="a<sup>3</sup>" //don't work

How can I get this to work? 我怎样才能让它发挥作用? I could have tried to figure the rest myself but since I am already forced to ask this, I would like to tell what I am planning to do. 我本可以尝试自己计算其余部分,但由于我已被迫问这个问题,我想告诉我我打算做什么。

 var x=3; var y=2;
 document.getElementById("op").innerHTML="a<sup> x-y </sup>";

How about a plugin: 插件怎么样:

$.fn.superScript = function() {
    var chars = '+−=()0123456789AaÆᴂɐɑɒBbcɕDdðEeƎəɛɜɜfGgɡɣhHɦIiɪɨᵻɩjJʝɟKklLʟᶅɭMmɱNnɴɲɳŋOoɔᴖᴗɵȢPpɸrRɹɻʁsʂʃTtƫUuᴜᴝʉɥɯɰʊvVʋʌwWxyzʐʑʒꝯᴥβγδθφχнნʕⵡ',
        sup   = '⁺⁻⁼⁽⁾⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹ᴬᵃᴭᵆᵄᵅᶛᴮᵇᶜᶝᴰᵈᶞᴱᵉᴲᵊᵋᶟᵌᶠᴳᵍᶢˠʰᴴʱᴵⁱᶦᶤᶧᶥʲᴶᶨᶡᴷᵏˡᴸᶫᶪᶩᴹᵐᶬᴺⁿᶰᶮᶯᵑᴼᵒᵓᵔᵕᶱᴽᴾᵖᶲʳᴿʴʵʶˢᶳᶴᵀᵗᶵᵁᵘᶸᵙᶶᶣᵚᶭᶷᵛⱽᶹᶺʷᵂˣʸᶻᶼᶽᶾꝰᵜᵝᵞᵟᶿᵠᵡᵸჼˤⵯ';

    return this.each(function() {
        this.value = this.value.replace(/<sup[^>]*>(.*?)<\/sup>/g, function(x) {
            var str = '',
                txt = $.trim($(x).unwrap().text());

            for (var i=0; i<txt.length; i++) {
                var n = chars.indexOf(txt[i]);
                str += (n!=-1 ? sup[n] : txt[i]);
            return str;

called like: 叫做:


Could probably be bound to keyup etc as well, and rather easily converted to plain javascript and not jQuery, but I just made it, so if it works, modify it to suit your needs ? 可能也可能绑定到keyup等,而且很容易转换为普通的javascript而不是jQuery,但我刚刚创建它,所以如果它可以工作,修改它以满足你的需求?


<input> is not a container, and so does not 'contain' any html. <input>不是容器,因此不包含任何html。

The value attribute of <input> must be plain text, so no you can't do what I believe you're attempting. <input>的value属性必须是纯文本,所以不能不做我认为你正在尝试的东西。

There are workarounds however, of varying usefulness, depending on what you really need to do. 然而,根据您真正需要做的事情,有不同的有用性的变通方法。 See Superscript text in HTML <input type="submit" /> 请参阅HTML <input type =“submit”/>中的上标文本

Further, you might also find the use of 'editable' content in a <div> to be of value. 此外,您可能还会发现在<div>使用“可编辑”内容是有价值的。 See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Content_Editable 请参阅https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Content_Editable

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