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[英]Debugging nodejs with node-inspector

I am trying to use node-inspector to debug my nodejs app and I am having problems. 我正在尝试使用node-inspector来调试我的nodejs应用程序,我遇到了问题。 I can attach and bring up the app in chrome. 我可以附加并启动Chrome中的应用程序。 I can also navigate to my scripts and set breakpoints. 我也可以导航到我的脚本并设置断点。 When I execute my code it will hit breakpoints but I cannot step through the code. 当我执行我的代码时,它会触发断点,但我无法单步执行代码。 When I hit the step-in or step-over buttons I no longer have the ability to step or continue execution. 当我按下步入或步进按钮时,我不再具有步进或继续执行的能力。 I am using the latest version of node-inspector and running node 0.10. 我正在使用最新版本的node-inspector并运行节点0.10。 Anyone else using node-inspector and having problems? 其他人使用节点检查器并遇到问题?

This was a known issue in a previous version. 这是以前版本中的已知问题。 It has since been fixed in the latest version maintained by StrongLoop. 它已经被StrongLoop维护的最新版本修复。

https://npmjs.org/package/node-inspector https://npmjs.org/package/node-inspector

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