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[英]Fast conversion from mp3 to WAV on Android

I am trying to convert a mp3 file into WAVE format in my Android application. 我正在尝试在Android应用程序中将mp3文件转换为WAVE格式 This operation should take little time, as the application is social, and it is not acceptable for the user to wait for too long. 由于该应用程序是社交应用程序,因此此操作应该花费很少的时间,并且用户等待太长时间是不可接受的。

So here is where I am : 所以这是我的位置:

  • I have already tried to use JLayer (proposed in a similar question Convert mp3 to wav on Android ), but the conversion is too slow: it takes about 40 seconds for a 2 minutes mp3 file. 我已经尝试使用JLayer(在类似的问题( 在Android上将mp3转换为wav )中提出),但转换速度太慢:一个2分钟的mp3文件大约需要40秒。

  • Concerning the library LAME (as in Lame4Android ), I also tried it (with Android NDK) but the result is still too slow (15s to 10s). 关于库LAME(如Lame4Android一样 ),我也尝试了它(使用Android NDK),但结果仍然太慢(15s至10s)。

  • I came across another library: JUCE , but it is too vast, and including the entire library in the project in order to do that simple conversion seems a bit... excessive. 我遇到了另一个库: JUCE ,但是它太大了,为了进行简单的转换,将整个库包括在项目中似乎有点...过分。 And I am also afraid it will slow the application. 而且我还担心它会减慢应用程序的速度。

So what I am currently looking for is a C/C++ library to use in order to do that. 因此,我目前正在寻找的是要使用的C / C ++库。 Do you know any fast libraries? 你知道快速图书馆吗?

Thank you. 谢谢。

Not sure if the license will work for you (GPLv2), but have you considered libmad ? 不知道许可证是否对您有用 (GPLv2),但是您是否考虑过libmad

As I understand it, there's not a NDK build available for download, but here is a page describing how to make one yourself... 据我了解,没有NDK版本可以下载,但是这里有一个页面介绍如何制作自己的游戏...

Another option is libmpg123 , which is LGPLv2.1. 另一个选项是libmpg123 ,它是LGPLv2.1。 The same blog has an article describing how to use it in Android. 同一博客上有一篇文章描述了如何在Android中使用它。

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