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Internet Explorer 10在Windows 8上未显示自定义光标

[英]Internet Explorer 10 not showing custom cursor on Windows 8

I am trying to change the mouse cursor in a cross-browser HTML5 webapp. 我正在尝试在跨浏览器的HTML5 webapp中更改鼠标光标。 By simply adding the appropriate CSS everything works fine in all browsers, including IE on Windows 7. 通过简单地添加适当的CSS,所有功能都可以在所有浏览器中正常运行,包括Windows 7上的IE。

The same webapp in Windows 8 fails to change the cursor, although by inspecting the CSS I can see that the correct class is applied and the browser queries the server for the appropriate .cur file. Windows 8中的同一webapp无法更改光标,尽管通过检查CSS,我可以看到已应用了正确的类,并且浏览器向服务器查询了适当的.cur文件。

Is there any limitation on Windows 8 that I should be aware of? 我应该注意Windows 8的任何限制吗?


CSS example (note: this works on IE10 Win7, does not work on IE10 Win8. The example should be irrelevant given the question). CSS示例(请注意:此示例在IE10 Win7上有效,在IE10 Win8上无效。该示例与问题无关)。

.customCursor-move {
   cursor: url(/free/images/pointers/move.cur),url(free/images/pointers/move.cur),url("../images/pointers/move.cur"),  default !important;

The CSS is in free/css. CSS在free / css中。

Internet Explorer cursor css property is buggy : Internet Explorer cursor css属性存在错误:
http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/cursor http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/cursor

It could also include IE10. 它还可能包括IE10。 You should try wether to use an absolute or relative path to your .cur file , depending of what you have now. 您应该尝试使用.cur文件的绝对路径或相对路径,具体取决于您现在拥有的路径。

it also might be helpful : 这也可能会有所帮助:

Note also that the Windows operating system requires the image to be 32 x 32 pixels or smaller although the specifications do allow for larger sizes than this. 另请注意,Windows操作系统要求图像的大小必须为32 x 32像素或更小,尽管规格确实允许更大的尺寸。

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