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[英]Webservice calls from Jquery

Ok, so I am kind of new to jQuery and web programming in general, (though I have been doing web services and SharePoint related C# for a few years, but only ever with an internal setup where security wasn't an issue) But now I am looking to create a public website that pulls information from an internal Database. 好的,所以,我一般来说对jQuery和Web编程还是陌生的(尽管我从事Web服务和与SharePoint相关的C#已有几年了,但是只有在不涉及安全性的内部设置下才可以)我正在寻找一个公共网站,从内部数据库中提取信息。 I know how I can implement a web service and I know how I can make it secure. 我知道如何实现Web服务,并且知道如何使其安全。 However I then need to call the web service using Jquery from a page. 但是,然后我需要从页面使用Jquery调用Web服务。 I know how to do this as well. 我也知道该怎么做。

What I am struggling with is how to secure that. 我正在努力的是如何确保这一点。 If I am able to call the web service from my page, what's to stop person XYZ from coming along, stealing my Jquery/Code and accessing MY web service with THIER website? 如果我能够从我的页面调用Web服务,那么如何阻止XYZ人来窃取我的Jquery /代码并通过THIER网站访问我的Web服务? how can I stop this, I've thought about ways to encrypt the data/authenticate, but anything I do can be accessible then because they can just view whatever I do in the Jquery. 我该如何停止这一点,我已经考虑过加密数据/进行身份验证的方法,但是我所做的任何事情都可以访问,因为它们可以查看我在Jquery中所做的任何事情。

any suggestions on how I would go about securing my web service so only people from my website could access it would be great. 任何有关如何保护Web服务以使只有我网站上的人可以访问它的建议都是很棒的。

A good start would be to use basic http authentication. 一个好的开始是使用基本的http身份验证。 I assume you'll find a way to implement it on the server side. 我想您会找到一种在服务器端实现它的方法。 Here is the jQuery client example How to use Basic Auth with jQuery and AJAX? 这是jQuery客户端示例如何在jQuery和AJAX中使用Basic Auth? .

A should notify you that your next problem will probably be Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin . A应该通知您,下一个问题可能是Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Make sure you authenticate users before they can access your service, and validate on the server that a user can't do anything they aren't allowed to do. 请确保您先对用户进行身份验证,然后他们才能访问您的服务,并在服务器上验证用户无法执行他们不允许执行的任何操作。 That way, regardless of whether they are accessing the service from your website on their own code, they can't do anything they aren't allowed to. 这样,无论他们是否使用自己的代码从您的网站访问服务,他们都无法做他们不允许做的事情。

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