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是var db = window.openDatabase && openDatabase(); 避免错误的好方法?

[英]Is var db = window.openDatabase && openDatabase(); a good way to avoid errors?

Is this a good way to avoid errors? 这是避免错误的好方法吗?

var sql_db = window.openDatabase && openDatabase('table', '1.0', 'description', 4096);

It seems to work, but is this a good way to avoid errors if a feature isn't implemented? 似乎可行,但是如果未实现功能,这是否是避免错误的好方法? Later on I'll just check if sql_db is undefined / null / false . 稍后,我将仅检查sql_db是否undefined / null / false

Does it work in all browsers, and does it return undefined , null or false if window.openDatabase isn't supported? 它可以在所有浏览器中使用吗?如果不支持window.openDatabase ,它会返回undefinednullfalse吗?

Please note that this isn't only about openDatabase but rather any feature that may not be implemented in all browsers. 请注意,这不仅涉及openDatabase ,还涉及并非所有浏览器都可能实现的任何功能。 I'm already doing window.console && console.log() and that works fine, but in that case I'm not saving any object to a variable. 我已经在执行window.console && console.log() ,但工作正常,但是在那种情况下,我没有将任何对象保存到变量中。

Yes, that's fine, although I'd suggest adding the window. 是的,那很好,尽管我建议添加该window. part after the && as well, just to prevent conflict with any local variables. 以及&&之后的部分,只是为了防止与任何局部变量冲突。

If the global variable is not defined, it will return undefined - this behaviour is consistent across browsers, however keep in mind that undefined is not a reserved word and can theoretically be overwritten. 如果undefined全局变量,则它将返回undefined -此行为在浏览器中是一致的,但是请记住, undefined不是保留字,并且在理论上可以被覆盖。 Why someone would do that is beyond me, but it's good to know. 为什么有人会这样做,这超出了我,但很高兴知道。

I'm not entirely convinced whether this is a good idea for this specific case. 对于这个特定案例,我并不完全相信这是否是一个好主意。

For console && console.log , I think it's pretty good, but if you're using it with the openDatabase call then maybe not. 对于console && console.log ,我认为它相当不错,但是如果将它与openDatabase调用一起使用,则可能不会。

Why? 为什么?

If you have a variable that you use for database calls, sql_db , what if it's null? 如果您有一个用于数据库调用的变量sql_db ,如果它为null怎么办? It's going to cause an error. 这将导致错误。 Are you going to prefix every single use with sql_db && ? 您是否要在每次使用时加sql_db &&前缀? It feels like a kludge and it might not even be possible to always do that. 感觉就像是在跳动,甚至不可能总是这样做。

In a case where you actually will be using the result of the call for something, you probably should just opt for a normal if-else check. 在实际上您将使用调用结果的情况下,您可能应该只选择常规的if-else检查。 This way you can detect the failure early, and the code which depends on the result of that will work more reliably without requiring boilerplate variable checks. 这样,您就可以及早发现故障,而依赖于结果的代码将更可靠地工作,而无需进行样板变量检查。

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