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使用void *的C队列实现 - 好的还是坏的做法?

[英]C queue implementation using void* - good or bad practice?

I have implemented a basic queue structure in C using void pointers. 我使用void指针在C中实现了一个基本的队列结构。 The procedure is as follows: 程序如下:

  • initializing the structure - I set the size of the variable type to be stored in the queue 初始化结构 - 我设置要存储在队列中的变量类型的大小
  • push - I pass the pointer to the variable to be stored, the queue then grabs a copy for itself push - 我将指针传递给要存储的变量,然后队列为自己抓取一个副本
  • front - the structure returns a void* to the element in front. front - 结构将void *返回给前面的元素。 I may just grab the pointer, or memcpy() it to have a local copy. 我可能只是抓住指针,或memcpy()它有一个本地副本。

The struct itself looks like this: 结构本身看起来像这样:

struct queue
    void* start;    //pointer to the beginning of queue
    void* end;      //-||- to the end
    size_t memsize; //size of allocated memory, in bytes
    size_t varsize; //size of a single variable, in bytes
    void* initial_pointer;      //position of the start pointer before pop() operations

start and end are just void pointers that point to some location within the currently allocated memory block. start和end只是指向当前分配的内存块中某个位置的void指针。 If I push elements on the queue, I increment the end pointer by varsize . 如果我在队列上推送元素,我会通过varsize递增结束指针。 If I pop(), I just decrement the end pointer also by varsize . 如果我pop(),我只是通过varsize减少结束指针。

I don't think I should post the functions code here, it's over 100 lines. 我不认为我应该在这里发布功能代码,它超过100行。

The question: is this considered a good or a bad practice? 问题:这被认为是好的还是坏的做法? Why (not)? 为什么不)?

Note: I'm aware that there are many other options for a queue in C. I'm just asking about the quality of this one. 注意:我知道C中的队列还有很多其他选项。我只是询问这个的质量。

EDIT: The implementation is available here: http:// /stuff/queue.txt (remove the spaces) 编辑:可以在这里获得实现:http:// /stuff/queue.txt(删除空格)

It's OK to use void * if you don't know the type and size of the objects to be stored in the queue (in fact, the C standard library follows the same approach, see the memcpy() and qsort() functions for some examples). 如果您不知道要存储在队列中的对象的类型和大小,则可以使用void * (实际上,C标准库遵循相同的方法,请参阅memcpy()qsort()函数例子)。 However, it would be better to use size_t (or ssize_t if you need a signed data type) for specifying the size of the elements stored in the queue. 但是,最好使用size_t (如果需要签名数据类型,则使用ssize_t )来指定存储在队列中的元素的大小。

You really don't show us enough to be sure about your implementation. 你真的没有给我们足够的信息来确定你的实现。 void* for the user data items is fine, you can't do much otherwise in C. void*对于用户数据项是好的,否则在C中你做不了多少。

But I strongly suspect that you have an internal list element type that you use to manage the individual items, something like 但我强烈怀疑你有一个内部列表元素类型,用于管理单个项目,如

struct list_item {
  struct list_item* next;
  void* data;

If that is the case and your start and end pointers are pointing to such elements, you definitively should use your element type in the struct queue declaration: 如果是这种情况,并且您的startend指针指向这些元素,那么您最终应该在struct queue声明中使用您的元素类型:

struct queue
    struct list_item* start;    //pointer to the beginning of queue
    struct list_item* end;      //-||- to the end
    size_t memsize; //size of allocated memory, in bytes
    size_t varsize; //size of a single variable, in bytes
    struct list_item* initial_pointer;      //position of the start pointer before pop() operations

For this to work you don't even have to expose the definition of struct list_item to the user of struct queue . 为此,您甚至不必将struct list_item的定义暴露给struct queue的用户。

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