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[英]how to place same highcharts series beside each other

i am using highcharts for drawing column charts 我正在使用图表绘制柱状图

i have a column chart with multiple series like this 我有一个像这样的多个系列的柱形图


and this is my code : 这是我的代码:

$(function () {
        var chart;
        $(document).ready(function() {
                // Radialize the colors
                Highcharts.getOptions().colors = Highcharts.map(Highcharts.getOptions().colors, function(color) {
                    return {
                        radialGradient: { cx: 0.5, cy: 0.3, r: 0.7 },
                        stops: [
                            [0, color],
                            [1, Highcharts.Color(color).brighten(-0.2).get("rgb")]

                chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
                chart: {
                    renderTo: "container"
                title: {
                    text: "نمودار کلی عملکرد داوطلب",
                        direction: "rtl",
                        fontSize: "16px"
                yAxis: {
                    min: -33.3,
                    max: 100,
                    startOnTick: false,
                    title: {
                        enabled: true,
                        text: "درصد"
                xAxis: {
                    categories: [' . implode(",", $chartCats) . ']
                tooltip: {
                    formatter: function() {
                        return this.series.name+"<br/>% "+this.point.y+"<br/>";
                plotOptions: {
                    column: {
                        dataLabels: {
                            enabled: true
                        pointWidth: 20
                    series: {
                        animation: {
                            duration: 3000
                credits: {
                    enabled: false
                [' . $chartData . ']

how can i place all columns with same color beside each other? 如何将所有具有相同颜色的列彼此并排放置?

for example : all blue columns beside each other then all red column beside each other 例如:所有蓝色列彼此相邻,然后所有红色列彼此相邻

In general something like this is not supported, however you can split data into different arrays, as each column will be one series, just linked to 'master' one, see: http://jsfiddle.net/CVvjZ/ 通常不支持这种操作,但是您可以将数据拆分为不同的数组,因为每一列都是一个系列,仅链接到“主”系列,请参见: http : //jsfiddle.net/CVvjZ/

Of course this has limitations, since you need to pre calculate values for for x: 当然这有局限性,因为您需要预先计算x的值:

    xAxis: {
        min: 0,
        startOnTick: true,
        max: 1,
        endOnTick: true,
        categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar']
    plotOptions: {
        column: {
            grouping: false,
            pointWidth: 20
    series: [{
        color: colors[0],
        name: 'Tokyo',
        id: 'tokyo',
        data: [[0.3, 15]]
    }, {
        color: colors[0],
        name: 'Tokyo',
        linkedTo: 'tokyo',
        data: [[0, 10]]
    }, {
        color: colors[0],
        name: 'Tokyo',
        linkedTo: 'tokyo',
        data: [[-0.3, 10]]
        color: colors[1],
        name: 'Osaka',
        id: 'osaka',
        data: [[1.3, 15]]
    }, {
        color: colors[1],
        name: 'Osaka',
        linkedTo: 'osaka',
        data: [[1, 10]]
    }, {
        color: colors[1],
        name: 'Osaka',
        linkedTo: 'osaka',
        data: [[0.7, 10]]

There is also second solution, a little easier is to use stacking options instead of calculating values: http://jsfiddle.net/CVvjZ/1/ 还有第二种解决方案,更简单的是使用堆栈选项而不是计算值: http : //jsfiddle.net/CVvjZ/1/

And code: 和代码:

xAxis: {
        categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar']
    plotOptions: {
        column: {
            stacking: 'normal'
    series: [{
        color: colors[0],
        stack: 1,
        name: 'Tokyo',
        id: 'tokyo',
        data: [15]
    }, {
        color: colors[0],
        stack: 2,
        name: 'Tokyo',
        linkedTo: 'tokyo',
        data: [15]
    }, {
        color: colors[0],
        stack: 3,
        name: 'Tokyo',
        linkedTo: 'tokyo',
        data: [11]
        color: colors[1],
        stack: 1,
        name: 'Osaka',
        id: 'osaka',
        data: [[1,12]]
    }, {
        color: colors[1],
        stack: 2,
        name: 'Osaka',
        linkedTo: 'osaka',
        data: [[1,13]]
    }, {
        color: colors[1],
        stack: 3,
        name: 'Osaka',
        linkedTo: 'osaka',
        data: [[1,14]]

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