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[英]Message Queue Error

I am using the Microsoft Message Queueing service in combination with the NTServiceBus (Eventbroker). 我将Microsoft Message Queuing服务与NTServiceBus(Eventbroker)结合使用。

The application is running on a client´s pc with the Message Queueing Service installed. 该应用程序在安装了消息队列服务的客户端计算机上运行。 The eventbroker works as it is supposed to and everything works finde. 事件代理按预期工作,发现一切正常。 But every now an then... 2-3 times a month maybe, the software crashes with the following exception: 但是现在每隔一个月……可能每月发生2-3次,该软件将崩溃,但以下情况除外:

NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus|Failed to subscribe to
Appccelerate.DistributedEventBroker.NServiceBus, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
PublicKeyToken=917bca444d1f2b4c at publisher queue frontkomm.net@kkl
NServiceBus.Unicast.Queuing.QueueNotFoundException: Failed to send message to address:
[frontkomm.net@kkl] ---> System.Messaging.MessageQueueException: The queue does   
not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation.

If it wouldn´t work at all, this error would make sense to me... but why is it just crashing once in a while? 如果它根本不起作用,那么这个错误对我来说还是有意义的……但是为什么它偶尔会崩溃一次?

This error can occur when you exceed the MSMQ storage quota limits (default value is 1 GB for sum of bytes all queues). 当您超出MSMQ存储配额限制(所有队列的字节总和的默认值为1 GB)时,会发生此错误。 Check if your consumer can handle the amount of messages you send. 检查您的使用者是否可以处理您发送的邮件数量。 The MSMQ performance counters are good tools to monitor this (MSMQ Service > Total bytes in all queues, for instance). MSMQ性能计数器是监视此状况的好工具(例如,MSMQ服务>所有队列中的总字节数)。

If you have bursts of messages that make you hit the quota, you could possibly need to increase the quota. 如果您有一连串的消息使您达到配额,则可能需要增加配额。 This is done in the Computer Management console > Services and Applications > Message Queuing > Properties. 这是在计算机管理控制台>服务和应用程序>消息队列>属性中完成的。

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