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[英]How to Compare Two Datatable and get common records in other DataTable in C#?

I have Two DataTable with Two columns in each Table . 我有两个DataTable ,每个Table有两列。 Now, i want to Compare these Two DataTable and the Matching rows in Third DataTable in C#. 现在,我想比较这两个DataTable和C#中第三个DataTable中的匹配行。

Eg: 例如:

ColA1   ColA2
 1      sampletext1
 2      sampletext2
 4      sampletext4

ColB1   ColB2
 1      sampletext1
 2      sampletext2
 3      sampletext3

ColC1  ColC2
 1      sampletext1
 2      sampletext2

I have tried it using for loop but it slows down. 我已经尝试过使用for循环,但是速度变慢。 Any other alternative. 任何其他选择。

Not sure what exactly your matching criteria is. 不确定您的匹配条件是什么。 below might be helpful. 以下可能会有所帮助。

refer this 参考这个

public static DataTable CompareTwoDataTable(DataTable dt1, DataTable dt2)
  DataTable d3 = dt2.GetChanges();
  return d3;

Use like below. 如下使用。 It will work faster 它会更快地工作

var matched = from table1 in dt1.AsEnumerable()
                      join table2 in dt2.AsEnumerable() on table1.Field<string>("sno") equals table2.Field<string>("sno")
                      where table1.Field<string>("name") == table2.Field<string>("name")
                      select table1;
        if (matched.Count()>0)
            DataTable dtt = matched.CopyToDataTable();

Dont forget to mention as answer if it helps. 如果有帮助,别忘了提及作为答案。

   if (dt2.rows.count > i)
         if((dt1.rows[i][1] == dt2.rows[i][1])  && (dt1.rows[i][2] == dt2.rows[i][2]))


First use merge function merge two datatable, and finnaly for loop on datatable and find result by select function: 首先使用合并功能合并两个数据表,最后对数据表进行循环并通过选择函数查找结果:

dt1 = dt.Copy();

//Here match condition third Data table
for(int i=0; i <=dt1.rows; i++)
  DataRow[] foundRows = dt3.Select("page_name='" + dt1.[i]['colname'] + "'");
  //function or code here;

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