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C ++中的运算符逗号?:条件

[英]Operator comma in C++ ?: conditional

Could you tell me what's the problem with ?: operator it tells error:你能告诉我有什么问题吗?:操作员告诉错误:

 C2446: ':' : no conversion from 'int' to 'std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits>'   
           c:\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\8.14\8.14\8.14.cpp  36

The Code:编码:

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int B;
int A=(6,B=8);
bool c = true;
cout << endl << B;
while (B != 100)
cout << "qgkdf\n";
(A<B) ? (c = 100, B=100, cout << "!!!") : (A = 100);
return 0;

The types of the 2 operands of the conditional operator needs to be the same.条件运算符的两个操作数的类型需要相同。

(A<B) ? (c = 100, B=100, cout << "!!!") : (A = 100);

The type of c = 100, B=100, cout << "!!!" c = 100, B=100, cout << "!!!"的类型is the type of cout << "!!!"cout << "!!!"的类型, which is std::ostream . ,即std::ostream

The type of of A = 100 is int . A = 100的类型是int

These 2 types do not match, hence the error.这两种类型不匹配,因此出现错误。

EDIT: The comma operator returns the value of the last part.编辑:逗号运算符返回最后一部分的值。 You cann add an int, for example:您不能添加一个 int,例如:

(A<B) ? (c = 100, B=100, (cout << "!!!"), 42) : (A = 100);
//                                      ^^^^

Live example here .现场示例在这里

If you are going to write obfuscated code, make sure you know how to use casts, as the solution is obviously to cast the result of cout << "!!!"如果您要编写混淆代码,请确保您知道如何使用强制转换,因为解决方案显然是强制转换cout << "!!!"的结果to an int :到一个int

(A<B) ? (c = 100, B=100, reinterpret_cast<int>(cout << "!!!")) : (A = 100);

As the return value is not being used it might be clearer to cast both sides to void.由于未使用返回值,因此将双方都设为无效可能更清楚。
Although not as clear as just using a good old "if".虽然不如使用一个好的旧“如果”那么清楚。

This is blatant abuse of the ?: operator.这是对 ?: 运算符的公然滥用。 Use an if statement.使用if语句。 That's what they're for.这就是他们的目的。

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