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[英]php regex to find words in string starting with # and not have any more repeated #

I'm looking for a regex to find words in string starting with # and not have any more repeated # 我正在寻找一个正则表达式来查找以#开头的字符串而不再重复#

Given: 鉴于:

Hi I'm #hany #هانى my Friend #john#john is ##here . good bye#all .

I want the final result as this: 我希望得到最终结果:

Hi I'm <a>#hany</a> <a>#هانى</a> my Friend #john#john is ##here . good bye#all .

I'm using this: 我正在使用这个:

echo preg_replace('/(?!\b)#(\\S+)/','<a>$0</a>',$string);

I want only words starting with # and not have any more hashes like twitter hash-tags. 我只想要以#开头的单词而不再有像twitter hash-tags这样的哈希。

Try this pattern: 试试这种模式:

echo preg_replace('/(?<=\s)(#[^#\s]+)(?=\s)/', '<a>$0</a>' ,$string);

Output: 输出:

Hi I'm <a>#hany</a> <a>#هانى</a> my Friend #john#john is ##here . good bye#all .

Try with this: 试试这个:

echo preg_replace('~(?<=\s|^)#[^\s#]++~um', '<a>$0</a>', $string);

Explanations: 说明:

~             # pattern delimiter (instead of /, but it's the same)
(?<=          # open a lookbehind (means "preceded by")
    \s | ^    # a white character (space, tab, newline...) or the begining of the line
)             # close the lookbehind
#             # literal #
[^\s#]++      # all that is not a # or a white character, one or more times (possessive)
~             # delimiter
um            # u for unicode string, m for multiline mode

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