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[英]how to create a link for an asp.net website?

我创建使用asp.net C#为我的大学图书馆网站,我已经完成了它所有的requirements.I知道安装文件不能asp.net网站创建,所以,现在我需要一种方式来至少创建一个链接该网站,以便他们可以从大学系统中的任何地方访问该网站并使用它。我尝试部署和发布任何内容都没有用。我需要任何其他想法。

Make sure that the web server you're deploying on is publicly (or at least locally within your college network) accessible. 确保您要部署的Web服务器可公开访问(或至少在大学网络中本地访问)。 If it is, then accessing a particular website is just a matter of sharing its URL with others. 如果是这样,则访问特定网站只是与他人共享其URL的问题。 You don't need a SETUP for it. 您不需要设置。

Note that what you see in a browser when you press F5 is most likely an instance of the built-in "ASP.NET Development Server" that is accessible only on the development machine. 请注意,按F5键时在浏览器中看到的内容很可能是内置“ ASP.NET开发服务器”的实例,该实例只能在开发计算机上访问。 You need to deploy your site to an instance of IIS (or some other equivalent) to access it from other machines. 您需要将站点部署到IIS(或其他等效项)实例,才能从其他计算机访问它。

There are 2 steps that you need to perform. 您需要执行2个步骤。

  1. Publish the website 发布网站
  2. Hosting You can do it either in the IIS of local domain server to be accessible within the network OR you can purchase a domain and host it on server to be accessible from anywhere. 托管您可以在本地域服务器的IIS中进行操作以在网络内访问,也可以购买域并将其托管在服务器上以从任何地方访问。

You can see this on how to host application in IIS 7. 你可以看到这个在IIS 7如何主机应用程序。

There are two types of deployment 部署有两种类型

  1. Local 本地
  2. Global 全球

Local Deployment: Download Cassini Web Server , Install it and Configure the WebApp or Website on that. 本地部署:下载Cassini Web Server ,安装它并在其上配置WebApp或网站。 It will give you the Network Url. 它将为您提供网络网址。 Use that url to access it from anywhere in your local network. 使用该URL可从本地网络中的任何位置访问它。

Global Deployment: Go to Domain and Hosting Provider, purchase domain and link that domain to webspace and hosting that will Support .Net framework. 全球部署:转到“域和主机提供商”,购买域并将该域链接到将支持.Net框架的网站空间和主机。 Generally all windows based hosting now a days have IIS. 通常,现在所有基于Windows的托管都拥有IIS。 Do not go for LINUX ,as you need MONO there which is generally not available. 请勿使用LINUX,因为您需要那里没有的MONO,这通常是不可用的。 Upload you publish pages in the root of our virtual directory. 在您的虚拟目录的根目录中上传您发布的页面。 In most of the hosts its httpdocs and some where have wwwroot, depending upon the control panels. 在大多数主机中,其httpdocs以及一些具有wwwroot的主机(取决于控制面板)。 Access that pages from the domain name. 从域名访问该页面。

this website provides all the details step by step!! 该网站逐步提供了所有详细信息! its awesome it worked for me :) 它很棒对我有用:)

http://www.programmerfish.com/how-to-deploy-asp-net-web-application-on-the-network-in-windows-7/ http://www.programmerfish.com/how-to-deploy-asp-net-web-application-on-the-network-in-windows-7/

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