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[英]Yii - Include field from another model

my question consists of two parts: 我的问题包括两部分:

1, I'm developing small ticketing software for technical support. 1,我正在开发小型票务软件以获得技术支持。 I have model and views for Workorder (type of ticket). 我有工作订单 (凭单类型)的模型和视图。 I would like to include another model's field/input into this model. 我想将另一个model's field/input到该模型中。 This model is called WorkorderJournalUpdate . model称为WorkorderJournalUpdate It's basicly just table with 3 rows: *id, workorder_id, text* . 它基本上只是具有3 rows:3 rows: *id, workorder_id, text* In this case, "workorder_id" is in HAS_MANY relation with " workorder_id " in Workorder model/table . 在这种情况下, "workorder_id"HAS_MANY与“的关系workorder_id在” Workorder model/table

The reason why I want to include this field/model is to create unique journal record after each Workorder update, so it looks like this: 我之所以要包含此field/model是为了在每次工作单更新后创建唯一的日记记录,因此它看起来像这样:

http://luzer.eu/pu_files/27844_RelationsTC.jpg http://luzer.eu/pu_files/27844_RelationsTC.jpg

//Edit: It would be great, if I could add new journal entry on each page update and as well read all previous records. //编辑:如果我可以在每次页面更新中添加新的日记条目并阅读所有以前的记录,那将很棒。

2, this part of my question is simple. 2,我的问题的这一部分很简单。 I would like to make rule in model to make certain fields required, but only if other field is filled in. For example: 我想在模型中制定规则,以使某些字段必填,但前提是必须填写其他字段。例如:

Order ID:
Ordered by:

If Order ID is not filled in, Ordered by should not be required. 如果未填写Order ID则不需要“订购者”。 If Ordered by is filled in and Order ID is not, Order ID should be required . 如果填充有序和Order ID不是, Order ID应该required Is this possible with " required on" rule ? 使用“ required on” rule吗?

This is all, hopefully, somebody will be able to help me. 希望所有这些都可以帮助我。 Thank you in advance! 先感谢您!

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