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[英]Windows user name variable and javascript

I asked this question a few weeks ago and recently came back to it and solved it. 几周前我问了这个问题 ,最近又回来解决了。 I have a hidden input that looks like this: 我有一个隐藏的输入,看起来像这样:

                <input style="display:none;" class="fileDialog" type="file" nwworkingdir="C:\Users\" nwsaveas/>

This opens a save dialog at the dir given to nwworkingdir . 这将在给nwworkingdir的目录下打开一个保存对话框。 I would like the default location to be the user's Pictures directory but I am having trouble getting the system user name dynamically with javascript. 我希望默认位置为用户的Pictures目录,但我无法使用javascript动态获取系统用户名。 I need the username because the path is usually C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Pictures. I have tried constants such as 我需要用户名,因为路径通常是C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Pictures. I have tried constants such as C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Pictures. I have tried constants such as ssfMYPICTURES and CSIDL_PROFILE` but javascript doesn't recognize them or I am using them wrong. C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Pictures. I have tried constants such as ssfMYPICTURES and CSIDL_PROFILE and C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Pictures. I have tried constants such as但是javascript无法识别它们,或者我使用了错误的C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\Pictures. I have tried constants such as

The project is in node-webkit so a solution using javascript, node.js, or node-webkit APIs should work. 该项目位于node-webkit中,因此使用javascript,node.js或node-webkit API的解决方案应该可行。

Solution for future readers: 面向未来读者的解决方案:

Node.js function in "screen_shot.js": “ screen_shot.js”中的Node.js函数:

exports.getUserHome = function() {
    return process.env[(process.platform == 'win32') ? 'USERPROFILE' : 'HOME'];

header js in index.html: index.html中的标头js:

   $(document).ready(function() {
       var sc= require('screen_shot');
       $('.fileDialog').each(function(i) {
           $(this).attr('nwworkingdir', sc.getUserHome() + '\\Pictures');

                var sc= require('screen_shot');
            function wait(e) {
                var page = $(e).closest('[data-role="page"]');

            function screen_shot(fn) {
                html2canvas($('body'), {
                    onrendered: function(canvas) {
                    var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png").split(',')[1];
                    sc.buildFile(fn, img);

            $('["..."]').live("pagecreate", function() {
                $(this).find('.fileDialog').change(function() {screen_shot($('.fileDialog').val() + '.png');});

            $('[id^="..."]').live("pagecreate", function() {
                $(this).find('.fileDialog').change(function() {screen_shot($('.fileDialog').val() + '.png');});

            $('[id^="..."]').live("pagecreate", function() {
                $(this).find('.fileDialog').change(function() {screen_shot($('.fileDialog').val() + '.png');});

dialog and button: 对话框和按钮:

                <input style="display:none;" class="fileDialog" type="file" nwworkingdir="" nwsaveas/>
                <a href="#" onclick="wait(this);" data-role="button" data-theme="j">Save As</a>

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