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[英]Server side redirect not working after jQuery upload script

I have the following code for a simple web page where I want to let a user upload, track the upload progress and then redirect them after the upload is complete (this I need to do on thr server side) It works just fine without the bottom script to show the upload progress. 我在一个简单的网页上有以下代码,我想让用户上传,跟踪上传进度,然后在上传完成后重定向它们(我需要在服务器端执行此操作)。脚本来显示上传进度。 Is there something in the ajax call that is preventing the redirect? Ajax调用中是否存在阻止重定向的内容? My backend is in Python on Google App Engine and I would be glad to show the code but I don't think it is relevant. 我的后端使用的是Google App Engine上的Python,我很乐意展示代码,但我认为这无关紧要。

.progress { position:relative; width:400px; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 1px; border-radius: 3px; }
.bar { background-color: #B4F5B4; width:0%; height:20px; border-radius: 3px; }
.percent { position:absolute; display:inline-block; top:3px; left:48%; }

<div class="row">
    <div class="span12">
        <div class="center-it"><h1>Upload a Video:</h1><br>

        <form action="{{upload_url}}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <input type="file" name="file" class="btn"><br> 
            <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="btn"> 


    <div class="progress progress-striped active">
        <div class="bar"></div >
        <div class="percent">0%</div >

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="http://malsup.github.com/jquery.form.js"></script>

#without everything below this line it works just fine
(function() {

var bar = $('.bar');
var percent = $('.percent');
var status = $('#status');

    beforeSend: function() {
        var percentVal = '0%';
    uploadProgress: function(event, position, total, percentComplete) {
        var percentVal = percentComplete + '%';
    success: function() {
        var percentVal = '100%';
    complete: function(xhr) {


Without Ajax it works because the form is submitted to a different page on server where you can redirect to another URL then. 如果没有Ajax,它会起作用,因为表单已提交到服务器上的其他页面,然后您可以在其中重定向到另一个URL。 With Ajax though it's still in the same page and only receives a response from server. 使用Ajax,尽管它仍在同一页面中,并且仅收到来自服务器的响应。

You can send the URL as part of the response and then use window.location or window.navigate in JavaScript to redirect to the new URL. 您可以发送URL作为响应的一部分,然后在JavaScript中使用window.locationwindow.navigate重定向到新URL。

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