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[英]Ruby, MySQL2: check if the result is empty

I am using MySQL2 in Ruby to query a database. 我在Ruby中使用MySQL2来查询数据库。 What is a direct way to check whether the result of a query is empty? 检查查询结果是否为空的直接方法是什么? The code looks like: 代码如下:

require 'mysql2'
client = Mysql2::Client.new(:host => "localhost", :username => "root")
results = client.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE group='githubbers'")

The Mysql2 documentation is indeed very poor. Mysql2文档确实很差。 But by inspecting the type of results you will notice that it is a Mysql2::Result which contains 3 methods. 但是通过检查results的类型,您会注意到它是一个包含3种方法的Mysql2::Result The one that you are interested in is count (or alias size ) which will return the number of rows of the result. 您感兴趣的是count (或别名size ),它将返回结果的行数。

From here you can easily check if it is 0 : 从这里您可以轻松检查它是否为0

(results.count == 0)

Alternatively you could open the Mysql2::Result class and add the method empty? 或者你可以打开Mysql2::Result类并将方法添加为empty? yourself: 自己:

class Mysql2::Result
    def empty?
        (count == 0)

And then you can just do: 然后你可以这样做:

0 == results.size

will return true if results is empty. 如果results为空,则返回true AFAIK there is no direct method (such as Array#empty? ) , but you could monkey patch it. AFAIK没有直接的方法(例如Array#empty? ),但你可以修补它。

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