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[英]SQL GROUP_CONCAT split in different columns

I searched a lot, but didn't find a proper solution to my problem. 我搜索了很多,但没有找到解决问题的正确方法。

What do I want to do? 我想做什么?

I have 2 tables in MySQL: - Country - Currency (I join them together via CountryCurrency --> due to many to many relationship) 我在MySQL中有两个表: - 国家 - 货币(我通过CountryCurrency将它们连接起来 - >由于多对多关系)

See this for a working example: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/317d3/8/0 请参阅此示例以获取一个工作示例: http//sqlfiddle.com/#!2/317d3/8/0

I want to link both tables together using a join, but I want to show just one row per country (some countries have multiple currencies, so that was the first problem). 我想使用连接将两个表链接在一起,但我希望每个国家只显示一行(某些国家/地区有多种货币,因此这是第一个问题)。

I found the group_concat function: 我找到了group_concat函数:

SELECT country.Name, country.ISOCode_2, group_concat(currency.name) AS currency
FROM country
INNER JOIN countryCurrency ON country.country_id = countryCurrency.country_id
INNER JOIN currency ON currency.currency_id = countryCurrency.currency_id
GROUP BY country.name

This has the following result: 这有以下结果:


Afghanistan AF          Afghani
Åland Islands   AX          Euro
Albania         AL          Lek
Algeria         DZ          Algerian Dinar
American Samoa  AS          US Dollar,Kwanza,East Caribbean Dollar

But what I want now is to split the currencies in different columns (currency 1, currency 2, ...). 但我现在想要的是将货币分成不同的列(货币1,货币2,......)。 I already tried functions like MAKE_SET() but this doesn't work. 我已经尝试过像MAKE_SET()这样的函数,但这不起作用。

You can do this with substring_index() . 你可以用substring_index()来做到这一点。 The following query uses yours as a subquery and then applies this logic: 以下查询将您的子查询用作子查询,然后应用此逻辑:

select Name, ISOCode_2,
       substring_index(currencies, ',', 1) as Currency1,
       (case when numc >= 2 then substring_index(substring_index(currencies, ',', 2), ',', -1) end) as Currency2,
       (case when numc >= 3 then substring_index(substring_index(currencies, ',', 3), ',', -1) end)  as Currency3,
       (case when numc >= 4 then substring_index(substring_index(currencies, ',', 4), ',', -1) end)  as Currency4,
       (case when numc >= 5 then substring_index(substring_index(currencies, ',', 5), ',', -1) end)  as Currency5,
       (case when numc >= 6 then substring_index(substring_index(currencies, ',', 6), ',', -1) end)  as Currency6,
       (case when numc >= 7 then substring_index(substring_index(currencies, ',', 7), ',', -1) end)  as Currency7,
       (case when numc >= 8 then substring_index(substring_index(currencies, ',', 8), ',', -1) end)  as Currency8
from (SELECT country.Name, country.ISOCode_2, group_concat(currency.name) AS currencies,
             count(*) as numc
      FROM country
      INNER JOIN countryCurrency ON country.country_id = countryCurrency.country_id
      INNER JOIN currency ON currency.currency_id = countryCurrency.currency_id
      GROUP BY country.name
     ) t

The expression substring_index(currencies, ',' 2) takes the list in currencies up to the second one. 表达式substring_index(currencies, ',' 2)将货币列表中的货币列为第二个货币。 For American Somoa, that would be 'US Dollar,Kwanza' . 对于美国的Somoa来说,那将是'US Dollar,Kwanza' The next call with -1 as the argument takes the last element of the list, which would be 'Kwanza' , which is the second element of currencies . -1作为参数的下一个调用采用列表的最后一个元素,即'Kwanza' ,这是currencies的第二个元素。

Also note that SQL queries return a well-defined set of columns. 另请注意,SQL查询返回一组明确定义的列。 A query cannot have a variable number of columns (unless you are using dynamic SQL through a prepare statement). 查询不能具有可变数量的列(除非您通过prepare语句使用动态SQL)。

Use this query to work out the number of currency columns you'll need: 使用此查询计算出您需要的货币列数:

((SELECT count(currency.name) AS c
FROM country
INNER JOIN countryCurrency ON country.country_id = countryCurrency.country_id
INNER JOIN currency ON currency.currency_id = countryCurrency.currency_id
GROUP BY country.name) as t)

Then dynamically create and execute prepared statement to generate the result, using Gordon Linoff solution with query result above to in this thread. 然后动态创建并执行预准备语句以生成结果,使用带有上述查询结果的Gordon Linoff解决方案在此线程中。


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