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通过引用c ++和名称空间中的类进行传递

[英]Pass by reference c++ with class in namespace

I am using g++ 4.4.1 and having an issue with passing by reference in my class within a namespace.I have create the test program below that is able to demonstrate my issue and would like if anyone knows why it will not compile 我正在使用g ++ 4.4.1并在命名空间中的类中传递引用时遇到问题。我在下面创建了一个测试程序,该程序可以演示我的问题,并希望有人知道为什么它将无法编译

#include <stdio.h>

namespace clshw
    class hwmgr
        hwmgr() {};

        ~hwmgr() {};
        static hwmgr* Instance();
        int Read(int crumb, int& state);

        static hwmgr* instance;

namespace clshw
    hwmgr* hwmgr::instance = NULL;

    hwmgr* hwmgr::Instance()
        instance = new hwmgr;
        return instance;

    int hwmgr::Read(int crumb, int state)
        state = true;
        return 1;

using namespace clshw;

hwmgr *hw = hwmgr::Instance();

int main()
    int state;
    int crumb;

    int ret = hw->Read(crumb, state);

The error from the compile is: 来自编译的错误是:

test7.cpp:30: error: prototype for 'int clshw::hwmgr::Read(int, int)' does not match any in class 'clshw::hwmgr' test7.cpp:13: error: candidate is: int clshw::hwmgr::Read(int, int&) test7.cpp:30:错误:“ int clshw :: hwmgr :: Read(int,int)”的原型与类“ clshw :: hwmgr”中的任何内容都不匹配test7.cpp:13:错误:候选者是:int clshw :: hwmgr :: Read(int,int&)

TIA, Keith TIA,基思

The problem lies on line # 13. 问题出在第13行。

int Read(int crumb, int& state);

You have provided a function Read which accepts one int, and one address of int. 您提供了一个Read函数,该函数接受一个int和一个int地址。

and on the line # 30, int hwmgr::Read(int crumb, int state) you are defining a function Read which accepts two int. 在第30行int hwmgr::Read(int crumb, int state)您定义了一个接受两个int的函数Read。

Since you are providing different types of arguments, both methods are different. 由于您提供的参数类型不同,因此两种方法都不同。 So compiler will give you the error: prototype for 'int clshw::hwmgr::Read(int, int)' does not match any in class 'clshw::hwmgr' 所以编译器会给您错误:'int clshw :: hwmgr :: Read(int,int)'的原型与类'clshw :: hwmgr'中的任何内容都不匹配

Kindly fix the definitions like this: 请修复这样的定义:

on line # 30, write this: 在第30行上,编写以下代码:

int hwmgr::Read(int crumb, int &state)

and tadaaaaa! 和tadaaaaa! We have made it work . 我们已经做到了。

Your declaration of function Read is different from the definition of Read you provided. 您对功能Read 声明与您提供的Read定义不同。

The declaration: 声明:

int Read(int crumb, int& state);

And the definition: 以及定义:

int hwmgr::Read(int crumb, int state)

You have to decide which one you want to use (passing state by reference or by value ), and change the other one accordingly. 您必须决定要使用哪一个(通过引用value传递状态),然后相应地更改另一个。 It seems that the reference solution is the only proper choice in this situation, since your function changes the value of the state argument. 在这种情况下, 引用解决方案似乎是唯一正确的选择,因为您的函数会更改state参数的值。

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