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在使用自动绑定的情况下,无法获得@ Html.DropDownListFor的新选定值

[英]Unable to get new selected value of @Html.DropDownListFor in case of using autobinding

Unable to bind model with value from @Html.DropDownListFor field in MVC3 (razor) of a strongly typed view. 无法使用强类型视图的MVC3(razor)中的@ Html.DropDownListFor字段中的值绑定模型。

Model used for strongly typed view: 用于强类型视图的模型:

public class MyModel
  public string Name{get;set;}
  pulic int Status_ID{get;set;}

In strongly typed view: 在强类型视图中:

@Html.DropDownListFor(m=> m.Status_ID, new SelectList(Repo.AllStatus, "ID", Name"), new   {@style = "width: 100%;" })

Before submitting the form I selected the option with ID=24(ie value=24 option is selected) 在提交表单之前,我选择了ID = 24的选项(即选择了值= 24选项)

In controller 在控制器中

public ActionResult AddMyModel(MyModel myModel)


While debugging, in controller, I got that: myModel.Name is expected value but myModel.Status_ID is 0 not 24 在调试时,在控制器中,我得到了:myModel.Name是期望值,但myModel.Status_ID是0而不是24

where am I going wrong?? 我哪里错了?

You need to pass in a view model to your view with all the statuses already populated. 您需要将视图模型传递到视图,并且已填充所有状态。

Here is a solution to your problem. 这是您的问题的解决方案。 Modify it to fit in with your scenario. 修改它以适应您的方案。 I hope I haven't left out anything. 我希望我没有遗漏任何东西。 The code below is what I am assuming your models might look like. 下面的代码是我假设您的模型可能看起来像。

Your status class: 你的状态类:

public class Status
     public int Id { get; set; }

     public string Name { get; set; }

On your view you need to pass in a view model that contains a list of all your statuses: 在您的视图中,您需要传入包含所有状态列表的视图模型:

public class YourViewModel
     public int StatusId { get; set; }

     public IEnumerable<Status> Statuses { get; set; }

Your controller: 你的控制器:

public class YourController : Controller
     private readonly IStatusRepository statusRepository;

     public YourController(IStatusRepository statusRepository)
          this.statusRepository = statusRepository;

     public ActionResult YourAction()
          YourViewModel viewModel = new YourViewModel
               Statuses = statusRepository.FindAll()

          return View(viewModel);

And then your view will look something like this: 然后您的视图将如下所示:

@model YourProject.ViewModels.Statuses.YourViewModel

     x => x.StatusId,
     new SelectList(Model.Statuses, "Id", "Name", Model.StatusId),
     "-- Select --"
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.StatusId)

I hope this can help you in the right direction and shed some light on what you are trying to achieve. 我希望这可以帮助你朝着正确的方向前进,并阐明你想要实现的目标。

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