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[英]Event delegation with Hammer.js

How would I do jQuery-style event delegation with plain JavaScript in Hammer.js? 如何在Hammer.js中使用纯JavaScript进行jQuery样式的事件委派? Eg: 例如:

Hammer(document).on('tap', '.item', function () {

Is this directly possible or do I have to do the delegation myself? 这是直接可能还是我自己必须做代表团?

I use the following function to test if the target is a delegate. 我使用以下函数来测试目标是否是委托。

function _getDelegate(selector, target, currentTarget) {

   var delegate = null;

   while (target && target != currentTarget) {
      delegate = $(target).filter(selector)[0];
      if (delegate) 
         return delegate;
      target = target.parentNode;

   return delegate;


I'm using the jquery filter because I use it a lot and with some more complex selectors. 我正在使用jquery过滤器,因为我经常使用它和一些更复杂的选择器。

Usage: 用法:

var delegationSelector = ".child";
$element.on("tap", function handler(event){
   var delegate = _getDelegate(delegationSelector, event.target, event.currentTarget);
   if(delegate){ // or if(!delegate) return;
      // Your handler code

This won't work with all selectors, but I'd say it's better than André's in that it will still work if your "target" has child elements. 这不适用于所有选择器,但我认为它比André更好,因为如果你的“目标”具有子元素,它仍然可以工作。 Eg 例如

<div id="parent">
    <div class="child">
        <div class="text">Test</div>

André's will fail here because target is the [div.text] and doesn't have your class. 安德烈将在这里失败,因为target[div.text]而没有你的班级。

For the above usage of _getDelegate, lets' say $element = $("#parent") . 对于_getDelegate的上述用法,让我们说' $element = $("#parent") If you tapped the word "Test" event.target would be [div.text] (where you tapped) and event.currentTarget would be [div.parent] (where the handler is registered). 如果您点击了“Test”一词event.target将是[div.text] (您点击的地方),而event.currentTarget将是[div.parent] (处理程序已注册)。 When you called _getDelegate with these parameters, you would receive [div.child] and know that you should run your handler code. 当您使用这些参数调用_getDelegate时,您将收到[div.child]并知道您应该运行处理程序代码。

For a pure JS version, you'd want something like this, where you loop up through the parents looking to see if you hit anything. 对于一个纯粹的JS版本,你需要这样的东西,你可以通过父母循环查看你是否有任何东西。

var delegate;
var target = e.target; // e.g. Inner div
var currentTarget = e.currentTarget // e.g. #parent

while(target && target != currentTarget){
      delegate = target;
   target = target.parentNode;

if( delegate ) {
   console.log('delegated tap received');

There are still plenty of flaws with this. 这还有很多瑕疵。 The whole indexof className is a bad idea because classes can be sub-strings of one another eg "myClass" and "myClass2". className的整个索引是一个坏主意,因为类可以是彼此的子字符串,例如“myClass”和“myClass2”。 Also, my code makes the assumption that all of your subelements are positioned within their parents. 此外,我的代码假设您的所有子元素都位于其父元素中。

Inspired by Jools' answer, here is what I've come up with. 灵感来自Jools的回答,这就是我想出的。 I didn't bother with a pure-JS solution--in fact, this is intended for use with a Backbone.View , but is easily adaptable to other situations. 我没有使用纯JS解决方案 - 实际上,这是用于Backbone.View ,但很容易适应其他情况。

It will stop climbing the node tree when it reaches the View's root element ( this.el ). 当它到达View的根元素( this.el )时,它将停止攀爬节点树。 Starting from the target identified by the HammerJS event, it will seek the first element matching the specified selector, and return undefined if no such element is found. 从HammerJS事件标识的目标开始,它将寻找与指定选择器匹配的第一个元素,如果没有找到这样的元素,则返回undefined

To use in a non-Backbone environment, just pass in a reference to the limiting/containing element as a 3rd argument (as in Jools' solution) and use it to replace this.el . 要在非Backbone环境中使用,只需this.el元素的引用作为第三个参数传递(如在Jools的解决方案中),并使用它来替换this.el

 * @param {Node}target - the target of the received event
 * @param {String}selector - any jQuery-compatible selector
getEventDelegate: function (target, selector) {
     var delegate;
     while (target && target != this.el) {
        delegate = $(target).filter(selector)[0];
        if (delegate) {
           return delegate;
        target = target.parentNode;
     return undefined;

If you have an onTap callback function, it might look something like this: 如果你有一个onTap回调函数,它可能看起来像这样:

 * @param {Event}ev
onTap: function (ev) {
   var target = this.getEventDelegate(ev.target, "#desiredTarget");
   if (target) {
      // TODO something with the target...

And to hook it all up, you'd want something like this... 把它全部搞定,你想要这样的东西......

this._hammer = new Hammer(this.el);
this._hammer.on('tap', _.bind(this.onTap, this));

(and don't forget to call this._hammer.destroy() when your view is destroyed!) (当你的视图被销毁时别忘了调用this._hammer.destroy() !)

You simply need to inspect the target of the Event object that's passed into your handler. 您只需要检查传递给处理程序的Event对象的target

Here's a demo . 这是一个演示

Continuing @Lambarr's solution - Typescript: 继续@ Lambarr的解决方案 - Typescript:

private delegateBind(rootElement:Node,e, selector:string, handler: (target:any) => any)

    let target=e.target;
    let o = {

      getEventDelegate: function ()
        var delegate;

        while (target && target != rootElement)
          delegate = jQuery(target).filter(selector)[0];
          if (delegate)
            return delegate;

          target = target.parentNode;
        return undefined;


     target = o.getEventDelegate();
    if (target)

Usage : 用法:

private registerDocumentclick()

     Hammer(this.document).on('tap', e =>
        this.delegateBind(this.document,e,'.article', (elm) => console.log(elm.classList))


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