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[英]knockout dirty flag code not working

Just started with knockout and need to implement page change warning. 刚从淘汰赛开始,需要实施页面更改警告。 Following is the code snippet. 以下是代码段。 I just need an alert pop up as warning if any change is made on the page. 如果页面上有任何更改,我只需要弹出一个警告作为警告即可。

function parseViewModel() {

    var viewModel = JSON.parse(getState());

    viewModel.checking = ko.observable(false);
    viewModel.Slider = new ko.observable(100 - viewModel.Slider);
    viewModel.CausalsList = buildHierarchy(viewModel.Causals);
    viewModel.Causals["-1"] = "Total Marketing Budget";
    viewModel.GeographiesList = ko.observableArray(gl);
    viewModel.Geographies["0"] = "All Geographies";
    viewModel.ProductsList = ko.observableArray(pl);
    viewModel.Products["0"] = "All Products";

    return viewModel;

function bindModel() {

    model = parseViewModel();

    ko.dirtyFlag = function (root, isInitiallyDirty) {
        var result = function () { },
        _initialState = ko.observable(ko.toJSON(root)),
        _isInitiallyDirty = ko.observable(isInitiallyDirty);

        result.isDirty = ko.computed(function () {
            return _isInitiallyDirty() || _initialState() !== ko.toJSON(root);

        result.reset = function () {

        return result;

    model.dirtyFlag = new ko.dirtyFlag(model);
    model.isDirty.subscribe(function () {
        alert("Page change warning!");

    ko.applyBindings(model, $('#const').get(0));
    ko.applyBindings(model, $('#buttonDiv').get(0));

Referred Ryan Niemeyer's blog. 推荐Ryan Niemeyer的博客。 Unfortunately, it's not working anymore. 不幸的是,它不再工作了。 Any insights please? 有什么见解吗?


One way to do is by using customBinding. 一种方法是使用customBinding。 I'm not that familiar with KO either but this might be something you're interested on. 我对KO也不太熟悉,但这可能是您感兴趣的东西。

Basically you would do is :- 基本上你会做的是:

ko.bindingHandlers.myFunction = {
    update : function(){
                //do something

http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/custom-bindings.html http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/custom-bindings.html

And call it on your element using :- 并使用:-在元素上调用它

<h1 data-bind="myFunction:{}"></h1>

Also, a jsfiddle to show how it works. 另外,一个jsfiddle展示了它是如何工作的。 (If you change the value of the First Name and focus out of it then the customBinding gets triggered. ) (如果您更改First Name的值并将其焦点移出,则将触发customBinding。)

http://jsfiddle.net/3vuTk http://jsfiddle.net/3vuTk

Not sure if it's the best practice though. 不确定这是否是最佳做法。

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