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[英]Splitting a String using multiple delimiters

I want to split a string using python. 我想使用python分割字符串。 I have successfully done it for one variable, but finding it hard to do it for 2. 我已经成功完成了一个变量,但是很难做到2。

The String : 字符串:

Paragraph 4-2 says. i am going home$ early- Yes.

I need the output to be 我需要输出

Paragraph 4-2 says
i am going home 

The sentence should split from . 句子应与分开. , $ and - (But when it's between 2 numbers (4-2) it shouldn't split) $- (但当它在2个数字(4-2)之间时,不应拆分)

How can i do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?



The new output should be like : 新的输出应类似于:

Paragraph 4-2 says.
i am going home$ 
>>> import re
>>> s = 'Paragraph 4-2 says. i am going home$ early- Yes'
>>> re.split(r'(?<!\d)\s*[.$-]\s*(?!\d)', s)
['Paragraph 4-2 says', 'i am going home', 'early', 'Yes']
  • \\s*[.$-]\\s* matches any of . \\s*[.$-]\\s*与匹配. , $ or - surrounded by 0 or more spaces ( \\s* ). $-由0或多个空格( \\s* )包围。
  • (?<!\\d) is a negative-lookbehind to ensure that the match is not preceded by a digit. (?<!\\d)是一个负号,以确保不以数字开头。
  • (?!\\d) is a negative-lookahead to ensure that the match is not followed by a digit. (?!\\d)是负向超前字符,以确保匹配项后没有数字。

You can read more about lookarounds here . 您可以在此处阅读更多有关环顾四周的信息

>>> re.split('(?<=\D)[.$-](?=\D|$)', s)
['Paragraph 4-2 says', ' i am going home', ' early', ' Yes']

(?<\\D)[.$-](?=\\D) will get the .$-, not followed or proceded by intergers. (?<\\D)[.$-](?=\\D)将获得。$-,而不是跟在整数后面。 And the lookahead and lookbehind won't consume any string. 而且,向前和向后搜索不会消耗任何字符串。 So the string will be splitted only the .$-, without the numbers surrounded by it. 因此,该字符串将仅分割。$-,而不会将数字括起来。

Edit: 编辑:

>>> re.findall('.*?(?<=\D)[.$-](?=[\D]|$)', s)
['Paragraph 4-2 says.', ' i am going home$', ' early-', ' Yes.']

You can do this: 你可以这样做:

>>> import re
>>> st='Paragraph 4-2 says. i am going home$ early- Yes.'
>>> [m.group(1) for m in re.finditer(r'(.*?[.$\-])(?:\s+|$)',st)]
['Paragraph 4-2 says.', 'i am going home$', 'early-', 'Yes.']

If you are not going to modify the match group at all (with strip or something) you can also just use findall with the same regex: 如果您根本不打算修改匹配组(使用条或其他东西),则也可以只使用具有相同正则表达式的findall:

>>> re.findall(r'(.*?[.$\-])(?:\s+|$)',st)
['Paragraph 4-2 says.', 'i am going home$', 'early-', 'Yes.']

The regex is explained here , but in summary: 正则表达式在此处进行了说明,但总而言之:

(.*?[.$\-])  is the capture group containing:
 .*?          Any character (except newline) 0 to infinite times [lazy] 
    [.$\-]   Character class matching .$- one time

(?:\s+|$)    Non-capturing Group containing:
   \s+        First alternate: Whitespace [\t \r\n\f] 1 to infinite times [greedy] 
      |        or
       $      Second alternate: end of string

Depending on your strings, you may need to change the regex to (.*?[.$\\-])(?:[ ]+|$) if you don't want to match \\r\\n\\f with the \\s 如果您不想将\\r\\n\\f\\s匹配,则取决于您的字符串,可能需要将正则表达式更改为(.*?[.$\\-])(?:[ ]+|$) \\s

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