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Drupal | 条形码模块删除底部文本

[英]Drupal | Barcode Module remove bottom text

I am using Barcode module to generate a barcode image from Drupal 7. Here is the link of module https://drupal.org/project/barcode . 我正在使用条形码模块从Drupal 7生成条形码图像。这是模块https://drupal.org/project/barcode的链接。 There is a key printed at the bottom of the barcode image file. 条形码图像文件底部印有一个密钥。 I want to remove that key and just show the barcode. 我想删除该密钥,只显示条形码。 Is there anyway to do it with this module. 无论如何,使用此模块可以做到这一点。

your request is a little generic because you have to comment all lines regarding @imagettftext inside the plugins that you want to use. 您的请求有点通用,因为您必须在要使用的插件中注释有关@imagettftext的所有行。

files .inc for every type of barcodes are present under folder plugins/ of the module. 该模块的文件夹plugins /下存在每种条形码类型的文件.inc。

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