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IIS7中托管的WCF MSMQ在我手动点击该服务之前不会自动检索邮件

[英]WCF MSMQ hosted in IIS7 WAS not retrieving messages automatically until I MANUALLY hit the service

I have seen several posts related to this but I have not found an answer to my problem 我已经看到了与此相关的几篇文章,但没有找到解决我问题的答案

So I have a client sending messages to a MSMQ using WCF netmsmq binding. 因此,我有一个客户端使用WCF netmsmq绑定将消息发送到MSMQ。 This works fine. 这很好。

I have a web site hosted in my local IIS7 (Windows 7) exposing a WCF MSMQ endpoint. 我在本地IIS7(Windows 7)中托管一个网站,该网站公开了WCF MSMQ终结点。

When I publish a message from the client, the messages are not being consumed, they just stay in queue forever UNTIL , I manually browse the service, after that the messages are sent to the service hosted in IIS 当我从客户端发布消息时,消息并没有被使用,它们只是永远留在队列中直到我将消息发送到IIS中托管的服务后,我才手动浏览该服务

So what do I need to do in order to consume the messages automatically by my WCF service hosted in IIS? 那么,为了通过托管在IIS中的WCF服务自动使用消息,我需要做什么?

Note: I just noticed that after calling any WCF service hosted in my web applicaiton in IIS wakes up the service or something and suddenly the queue messages are consumed... 注意:我只是注意到,在调用IIS中我的Web应用程序中托管的任何WCF服务之后,都会唤醒该服务或某些东西 ,突然队列消息被消耗了...

Client Configuration 客户端配置

      <endpoint name="Service.ServiceContracts.QueueLoggingService NET MSMQ"
        <binding exactlyOnce="true" durable="true" maxRetryCycles="15" receiveRetryCount="15">
          <security mode="None">
            <message clientCredentialType="None" />
            <transport msmqAuthenticationMode="None" />

Server configuration 服务器配置

    <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true">
      <service name="Service.ServiceImplementations.QueueLoggingService">
        <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange"/>
        <binding exactlyOnce="true" durable="true" maxRetryCycles="15" receiveRetryCount="15">
          <security mode="None">
            <message clientCredentialType="None" />
            <transport msmqAuthenticationMode="None" />

Things that I have tried: 我尝试过的事情:

  • Message Queuing service running 消息队列服务正在运行
  • Message Queuing Triggers service running 消息队列触发服务运行
  • Net.Msmq Listener Adapter service running Net.Msmq侦听器适配器服务正在运行
  • Net.Pipe Listener Adapter service running Net.Pipe侦听器适配器服务正在运行
  • Net.Tcp Listener Adapter service running Net.Tcp侦听器适配器服务正在运行
  • Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service service running Net.Tcp端口共享服务运行
  • Distributed Transaction Coordinator service running 分布式事务处理协调器服务正在运行
  • MSMQ Active Directory Domain Service Integration installed 已安装MSMQ Active Directory域服务集成
  • MSMQ HTTP Support installed 已安装MSMQ HTTP支持
  • MSMQ Triggers installed 已安装MSMQ触发器
  • MSMQ Multicasting support installed 已安装MSMQ多播支持
  • WCF Non-HTTP Activation installed 已安装WCF非HTTP激活
  • WCF HTTP Activation installed WCF HTTP激活已安装
  • The AppPool is configured to start automatically AppPool配置为自动启动
  • My Default Web Site contains the following configuration: 我的默认网站包含以下配置:

      <application path="/Service.WebHost" applicationPool="MyGenericAppPool" enabledProtocols="net.msmq, http"> <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\\Some Path\\Service.WebHost" /> </application> <bindings> <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:80:" /> <binding protocol="net.tcp" bindingInformation="808:*" /> <binding protocol="net.pipe" bindingInformation="*" /> <binding protocol="net.msmq" bindingInformation="localhost" /> <binding protocol="msmq.formatname" bindingInformation="localhost" /> </bindings> 

The autostart functionality is provided by AppFabric, so you must install it. 自动启动功能由AppFabric提供,因此您必须安装它。 Then, you will be able to use a command line similar to this one, in order to auto-start your WAS application : 然后,您将能够使用类似于此命令行的命令行,以自动启动WAS应用程序:

appcmd.exe set app /app.name:YourApplication /serviceAutoStartEnabled:True /serviceAutoStartMode:All appcmd.exe设置app /app.name:YourApplication / serviceAutoStartEnabled:True / serviceAutoStartMode:All


This guy saved me hours of reserching: 这个家伙节省了我几个小时的重新设置:

Paul Bahler @paulbahler 保罗·巴勒(Paul Bahler)@paulbahler

Turns out that even when the AppPool was set to Start Automatically .... it was not apperantly... 事实证明,即使将AppPool设置为“自动启动...”,它也不是正确的...

So this guy suggested me to install App Fabric tools and then just configure the application to automatically start and booooooom it worked 所以这个人建议我安装App Fabric工具 ,然后将其配置为自动启动并放大它的工作范围

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