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AngularJS ng-repeat不起作用?

[英]AngularJS ng-repeat not working?

I'm new to AngularJs and still trying to figure out how the basics work... I'm using the Soundcloud API to pull a list of followers for a given user. 我是AngularJs的新手,并且仍在试图弄清楚基础知识是如何工作的...我正在使用Soundcloud API为给定用户提取关注者列表。 So far in my $scope.init function I am able to connect to Soundcloud, authenticate a user and return a json list of the user's followers. 到目前为止,在我的$scope.init函数中,我能够连接到Soundcloud,验证用户并返回用户关注者的json列表。 I then push each follower into an array called $scope.results and verify that the array is full by outputting it in the console. 然后我将每个关注者推送到一个名为$scope.results的数组中,并通过在控制台中输出它来验证数组是否已满。 However when I try to output each follower as a list item in the array using ng-repeat in my main.html view and I get nothing..... here's my code: 但是,当我尝试在我的main.html视图中使用ng-repeat输出每个关注者作为数组中的列表项时,我什么都没得到......这是我的代码:

main.js main.js

 .controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
    $scope.apiKey = "##########################";
    $scope.results = [];
    $scope.init = function(){
        client_id: $scope.apiKey,
        redirect_uri: "http://localhost:9000/callback.html"
    // initiate auth popup
    SC.connect(function() {
        SC.get('/me', function(me) { 
        alert('Hello, ' + me.username); 

    SC.get('/me/followers', function(followers) {
        //angular.forEach(followers, function(value, index){
            angular.forEach(followers, function(follower, index){

main.html // which is a view main.html //这是一个视图

`<div ng-init="init()">`
`<li ng-repeat="follower in results">`
`<div class="row-fluid">`
    `<div class="span3">`
       `<div class="span6">`

index.html 的index.html

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You are missing a call to $apply() because you are doing work outside of the angular world so try to add one line below push command and it should work 你错过了对$ apply()的调用,因为你在角度世界之外的工作,所以尝试在push命令下添加一行,它应该工作

 angular.forEach(followers, function(follower, index){


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