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[英]This Non-Threaded script unexpectedly runs faster than the Threaded version

I have a python script which validates data fetched from some rows in a database and then logs the errors in a different table in the same database. 我有一个python脚本,它验证从数据库中的某些行获取的数据,然后将错误记录在同一数据库中的不同表中。 The script validates each row and marks it as validated & has error = True/False depending on the validation outcome. 该脚本验证每一行并将其标记为已验证并具有错误= True / False,具体取决于验证结果。 This process is repeated for each row. 对每一行重复该过程。 With that, I thought I'd add some steroids by creating threads such that the validation for each row is done by independent threads thus reducing the time it takes to validate a batch of rows. 有了这个,我想我会通过创建线程来添加一些类固醇,这样每行的验证都由独立的线程完成,从而减少了验证一批行所需的时间。

To my surprise, I find that the threaded script is taking slightly longer than the non-threaded one. 令我惊讶的是,我发现线程脚本比非线程脚本略长。 On average to validate 1502 rows of data it takes the Non-Threaded script 1.5 seconds while the threaded script takes 2.27 seconds. 平均来说,验证1502行数据,非线程脚本需要1.5秒,而线程脚本需要2.27秒。 That might not be much but ideally I'll be running through 2 million records at a go so that time overhead will be significant. 这可能不会太多,但理想情况下我会一次性运行200万条记录,这样时间开销就会很大。 That plus I would assume that threaded apps would finish faster! 加上我会假设线程应用程序会更快完成! :-) :-)

The two scripts clock the same time of about 0.01 seconds upto the point of creating threads. 这两个脚本的时间约为0.01秒,直到创建线程为止。 By this point the SQLAlchemy session is created and all the data to be validated and relations ie foreign keys etc are fetched. 此时,将创建SQLAlchemy会话,并获取要验证的所有数据和关系,即外键等。 From there though, the non-threaded script finishes faster. 但是,从那里开始,非线程脚本的完成速度更快。 Below is my code. 以下是我的代码。

1.0 None-Threaded Script 1.0无线程脚本

#Alot of code goes above this to fetch the data  that is passed on to the validator function
#However, the two scripts are the same upto this point in regards to time taken so didn't see need to post them.
for lf_detail_id in load_file_detail_id:
    params = lf_detail_id, load_file_id, entry_number[lf_detail_counter], \
           data[lf_detail_counter], template_version[lf_counter], \
           load_file_detail, error, dt_file, dt_columns 
    lf_detail_counter += 1
    no_of_records += 1

validator = Validate()
validator.validator(no_of_records, data_list)
record_counter += lf_detail_counter
data_list = None
no_of_records = 0
print("Validated '%s': seconds %s" %(filename[lf_counter], time.time()-file_start_time))     #print time it took to run'

#Mark the load file as validated
is_done = load_file.set_validation(load_file_id, True)
if is_done == False:
    raise Exception ("Can't update load_file's is_validated parameter: ", lf_detail_id)

#Reset counters
lf_detail_counter = 0
lf_counter += 1

#Commit The Entire Transaction.
print("NoThread:Finished validating %s file(s) with %s record(s) in %s seconds\n" %(lf_counter, record_counter, time.time()- process_start_time))

1.1. 1.1。 Validation Function for Non-Threaded Script 非线程脚本的验证功能

class Validate():
    has_error = None
    def validator(self, loop_length, job):                
        '''Validate data'''
        for row_counter in range(loop_length):
            load_file_detail_id, load_file_id, entry_number, data, \
            template_version, load_file_detail, error, dt_file, dt_columns = job[row_counter]
            error_detail = ErrorLogDetail()
            if data.strip() == "":
                error_detail.errorlog = error
                error_detail.load_file_detail_id = load_file_detail_id
                error_detail.pos_row = entry_number
                error_detail.pos_col = None
                error_detail.value_provided = None
                error_detail.column_name = None
                error_detail.value_provided = None
                error_detail.description = "error message 1"
                error_detail = ErrorLogDetail()
                self.has_error = True
                self.set_validation(load_file_detail, load_file_detail_id, True, False)
            elif len(data) != int(dt_file.data_length):
                error_detail.errorlog = error
                error_detail.load_file_detail_id = load_file_detail_id = load_file_detail_id
                error_detail.pos_row = entry_number   
                error_detail.pos_col = None
                error_detail.column_name = None
                error_detail.value_provided = None
                error_detail.description = "error message 2"
                error_detail = ErrorLogDetail()
                self.has_error = True
                self.set_validation(load_file_detail, load_file_detail_id, True, False)  
                #Continue with extra validation

            #If record passes all validation then mark mark it as haserror = False
            if self.has_error == False:
                self.set_validation(load_file_detail, load_file_detail_id, False, True)
                self.has_error = False
            jobs.task_done()    #For the script with threading the job is marked as done. Else this does not appear in the non-threaded script  

2.0 Threaded Script 2.0线程脚本

#Alot of code goes above this to fetch the data  that is passed on to the validator function
#However, the two scripts are the same upto this point in regards to time taken so didn't see need to post them.
for lf_detail_id in load_file_detail_id:
    params = lf_detail_id, load_file_id, entry_number[lf_detail_counter], \
           data[lf_detail_counter], template_version[lf_counter], \
           load_file_detail, error, dt_file, dt_columns 
    lf_detail_counter += 1
    queue_size += 1
    if queue_size == THREAD_LIMIT:
        myqueuing(queue_size, data_list)
        queue_size = 0

#spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance 
if queue_size > 0:
    myqueuing(queue_size, data_list)

#Keep record of rows processed
record_counter += lf_detail_counter 
print("Validated '%s': seconds- %s " %(filename[lf_counter], time.time()-file_start_time))     #print time it took to run'

#Mark the load file as validated
is_done = load_file.set_validation(load_file_id, True)
if is_done == False:
    raise Exception ("Can't update load_file's is_validated parameter: ", lf_detail_id)

#Commit The Entire Transaction.
#Reset counters
lf_detail_counter = 0
lf_counter += 1
data_list = None
queue_size = 0              
print("HasThread:Finished loading %s file(s) with %s record(s) in %s seconds\n" %(lf_counter, record_counter, time.time()-process_start_time))     #print time it took to run'

2.1. 2.1。 Threaded Validation Function 线程验证功能

THREAD_LIMIT = 50                # This is how many threads we want
jobs = queue.Queue()           # This sets up the queue object to use 5 slots
singlelock = threading.Lock()   # This is a lock so threads don't print trough each other (and other reasons)

def myqueuing(queuesize, data):
    '''Put the fetched data in a queue and instantiate threads to
    process the queue'''
    # Spawn the threads
    is_valid_date("20131212", True) #Calling this here to avoid a bug in time.striptime() when threading
    for x in range(queuesize):
        # This is the thread class that we instantiate.

    # Put stuff in queue
    for i in range(queuesize):
        # Block if queue is full, and wait 2 seconds. After 5s raise Queue Full error.
            jobs.put(data[i], block=True, timeout=2)
            print ("The queue is full !")

    # Wait for the threads to finish
    singlelock.acquire()        # Acquire the lock so we can print
    print ("Waiting for threads to finish.")
    singlelock.release()       # Release the lock
    jobs.join()                 # This command waits for all threads to finish.             

class workerbee(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.has_error = False

    def run(self):
        job = jobs.get(True,1)
        load_file_detail_id, load_file_id, entry_number, data, \
        template_version, load_file_detail, error, dt_file, dt_columns = job                
        '''Validates the data.'''
        error_detail = ErrorLogDetail()
        #Again please note that this part is identical for both the non-threaded and the threaded script. 
        #After each pass on a record, the record is marked as validated and if has_error = True
        if data.strip() == "":
            error_detail.errorlog = error
            error_detail.load_file_detail_id = load_file_detail_id
            error_detail.pos_row = entry_number
            error_detail.pos_col = None
            error_detail.value_provided = None
            error_detail.column_name = None
            error_detail.value_provided = None
            error_detail.description = "erro message1"
            error_detail = ErrorLogDetail()
            self.has_error = True
            self.set_validation(load_file_detail, load_file_detail_id, True, True)     
        elif len(data) != int(dt_file.data_length):
            error_detail.errorlog = error
            error_detail.load_file_detail_id = load_file_detail_id = load_file_detail_id
            error_detail.pos_row = entry_number   
            error_detail.pos_col = None
            error_detail.column_name = None
            error_detail.value_provided = None
            error_detail.description = "erro message2")
            error_detail = ErrorLogDetail()
            self.has_error = True
            self.set_validation(load_file_detail, load_file_detail_id, True, True)    
            #Continue with further validation - about 5 other validation checks

        #If record passes all validation then mark mark it as haserror = False
        if self.has_error == False:
            self.set_validation(load_file_detail, load_file_detail_id, False, True)
            self.has_error = False
        jobs.task_done()    #For the script with threading the job is marked as done. Else this does not appear in the non-threaded script

3.0. 3.0。 Common function for setting validation in both threaded and non-threaded 用于在线程和非线程中设置验证的常用功能

def set_validation(self, load_file_detail, load_file_detail_id, has_error, can_be_loaded):
    '''Mark the record as having been validated and whether has error = True or False'''
    #print("haserror and canbeloaded ", has_error, can_be_loaded)
    is_done = load_file_detail.set_validation_and_error(load_file_detail_id, True, has_error, can_be_loaded)
    if is_done == False:
        raise Exception ("Can't update load_file_detail's is_validated parameter: ", load_file_detail_id)                   

3.1. 3.1。 Actual SQLAlchemy session for saving the validation status 用于保存验证状态的实际SQLAlchemy会话

def set_validation_and_error(self, load_file_detail_id, is_validated, has_error, can_be_loaded):
    result = session.execute('UPDATE load_file_detail SET is_validated=%s, has_error=%s, can_be_loaded=%s WHERE id=%s' \
                    %(is_validated, has_error, can_be_loaded, load_file_detail_id))

So, the fetching of data to be validated is the same and both scripts take same amount of time up to that point. 因此,要验证的数据的获取是相同的,并且两个脚本在该点之前花费相同的时间量。 The validation process is the same for both scripts and saving to DB is the same ie Section 3.0 and 3.1 are shared by both scripts. 两个脚本的验证过程相同,并且保存到DB是相同的,即两个脚本共享Section 3.0和3.1。 The only difference is the validation with multiple threads. 唯一的区别是多线程验证。 So am thinking maybe there is something about the multiple threads and SQLAlchemy that is making the app slower in threaded mode? 所以我想也许有多个线程和SQLAlchemy在线程模式下使应用程序更慢? Have I implemented the threaded function in the proper way? 我是否以正确的方式实现了线程功能? One of those or threading is not suitable in this scenario. 其中一个或线程不适合这种情况。 Suggestions welcome. 建议欢迎。

You must create Queue for logging and add "logger" thread. 您必须创建Queue以进行日志记录并添加“logger”线程。 So you remove locks code must be faster. 所以你删除锁代码必须更快。

Also create DB connections in each thread to be able to get data in parallel. 还可以在每个线程中创建数据库连接,以便能够并行获取数据。

Treads parallelize only C-library calls because of GIL. 由于GIL,Treads仅并行化C库调用。

For parallelize python code You must use multiprocessing. 对于并行化python代码您必须使用多处理。

I write test for You, describing how to process iterable: 我为你编写测试,描述了如何处理iterable:

def produce_data(amount=100000, invalid=1, valid=10): 
# produce_data = sql('request').getall()
    import random
    id = 0
    data = [True]*valid + [False]*invalid
    while id < amount:
        yield (id,random.choice(data))

def validate(row):
    if row[1]:
        time.sleep(0.001) #set valid sql request emulation.
        return True
        time.sleep(0.001) #set invalid sql request emulation.
        return False

def single():
    for row in produce_data():

def targeted():
    import threading
    for row in produce_data():

Uley = 50

class Bee(object):
        running = True
        def __init__(self,queue,*args,**kwargs):
            self.queue=queue #dont use any global variable!
            # every bee must have unique db connection and session.
            #self.session = db.connection().session()
            # initialize it there.
            return super(Bee,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)

        def run(self):
            while self.running:
                if data: 
                    self.error = validate(data) # refactor it to self.validate(data) to be able to get cursor from self.session.


def treaded():
    import threading,Queue

    class TreadedBee(Bee,threading.Thread): pass

    q = Queue.Queue()

    for i in range(Uley): #bees started before data was provided.
        bee.daemon = True

    for row in produce_data(): #you dont need to get all data to begin processing, at this place must be cursor of response.

    for i in range(Uley):

def forked():
    from multiprocessing import Process,JoinableQueue
    class ForkedBee(Bee,Process): pass

    q = JoinableQueue()
    for i in range(Uley):

    for row in produce_data():

    #at this you need to kill zomBee -)
    for i in range(Uley):

def pool():
    from multiprocessing import Pool
    pool = Pool(processes=Uley)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import time
    print(time.time()-s) #109
    print(time.time()-s) #6
    print(time.time()-s) #12
    print(time.time()-s) #6
    print(time.time()-s) #4

test result: 测试结果:

$ python2 tgreads.py 

targeted will flood CPU, memory and you cant provide individual connections to DB, using shared connection is not safe. targeted会泛滥CPU,内存和你无法提供到DB的个别连接,使用共享连接是不安全的。 If want to go in this way - you need to provide output queue and realize collector, that will communicate with DB. 如果想以这种方式进行 - 你需要提供输出队列并实现收集器,它将与DB通信。 pool is short-code and fastest, but not friendly to initiate per-worker connections. pool是短代码和最快的,但不能友好地启动每个工人的连接。

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