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Facebook注销无法与PHP SDK一起使用

[英]Facebook logout not working with PHP SDK

I know this has been asked many times before and I've spent about 2 hours now trawling through every other answer and trying out solutions and none of them have worked. 我知道这个问题以前曾被问过很多遍,现在我花了大约2个小时来浏览其他所有答案并尝试解决方案,但没有一个起作用。 Basically the problem is I am using the Facebook PHP SDK to log my user in. That bit is fine. 基本上,问题是我正在使用Facebook PHP SDK登录用户。那很好。 When I want to log the user out of my site and Facebook though it doesn't work. 当我想将用户从我的网站和Facebook注销时,尽管它不起作用。 My site is built in codeigniter if that affects anything. 如果这会影响任何内容,则我的网站将内置在codeigniter中。 Here is what I have: 这是我所拥有的:

$logout_url = $this->facebook->getLogoutUrl(array('next' => site_url()));

This user gets redirected ok but if I go to facebook.com I am still logged in. This should log the user out of facebook as well should it not? 可以将该用户重定向到ok,但是如果我转到facebook.com,我仍然可以登录。这也应该使该用户退出facebook,不是吗? I have tried alsorts such as clearing the native php session, unsetting cookies etc. like so: 我已经尝试过Alsorts,例如清除本地php会话,取消设置cookie等,如下所示:

$config = array(
    'appId'  => FB_APP_ID,
    'secret' => FB_APP_SECRET,
    'fileUpload' => true, // Indicates if the CURL based @ syntax for file uploads is enabled.

$this->load->library('facebook', $config);

setcookie('fbs_'.$this->facebook->getAppId(), '', time()-100, '/', $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);

$logout_url = $this->facebook->getLogoutUrl();


try {
    setcookie('fbs_'.$this->facebook->getAppId(), '', time()-100, '/', base_url());                 
} catch (Exception $e) {
    //$this->facebook->clearAllPersistentData(); Protected method

So the only thing I can think is that there is a bug with Facebook at their end and its not logging out when it should. 因此,我唯一能想到的是,Facebook的一端存在一个错误,并且该错误在适当的时候没有注销。 Anyone know if this is the case? 有人知道是这样吗?

Codeigniter doesn't use native PHP sessions - CI stores sessions in a cookie. Codeigniter不使用本机PHP会话-CI将会话存储在cookie中。 You can read about it here . 你可以在这里阅读。

Facebook, however, does use native PHP sessions. 但是,Facebook确实使用本机PHP会话。 So what you'll find is destroying the Codeigniter session won't destroy the Facebook session. 因此,您将发现破坏Codeigniter会话不会破坏Facebook会话。

You could try something like this: 您可以尝试这样的事情:

// Destroy CodeIgniter Session 

// Destroy Facebook Session using Facebook function

// Maybe even destroy all native sessions as overkill

I imagine after doing this, there's no way the session will/can still persist. 我想在完成此操作之后,会话将无法/仍将继续。 This happens all the time with PHP and Codeigniter. PHP和Codeigniter始终会发生这种情况。 See: logout facebook connect session 请参阅: 注销Facebook Connect会话

I fixed my issue by commenting out the line below. 我通过注释下面的行来解决我的问题。 Now my users can logout. 现在我的用户可以注销了。


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