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[英]uialertview don't do action

I have to put an alert view with the two buttons, but the buttons don't open the urls. 我必须使用两个按钮放置一个警报视图,但是这些按钮不会打开URL。 I don't know the error. 我不知道错误。 Help please. 请帮助。

Here's the code: 这是代码:

-(IBAction)showAlertView {
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                      initWithTitle:@"Obrir en..."
                      message:@"Es pot requirir la aplicació de Google Maps"
                      cancelButtonTitle:@"Millor no..."
                      otherButtonTitles:@"Mapes",@"Google Maps",nil];
[alert show];
- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
NSString *title = [alertView buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex];

if([title isEqualToString:@"Mapes"])
    UIApplication *ourApplication = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
    NSString *ourPath = @"http://maps.apple.com/?q=Plaça+del+Rei+43003+Tarragona";
    NSURL *ourURL = [NSURL URLWithString:ourPath];
    [ourApplication openURL:ourURL];

if([title isEqualToString:@"Google Maps"])
    UIApplication *ourApplication = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
    NSString *ourPath = @"comgooglemaps://?daddr=Plaça+del+Rei+43003+Tarragona&directionsmode=walking";
    NSURL *ourURL = [NSURL URLWithString:ourPath];
    [ourApplication openURL:ourURL];

You have to do url encoding for your urlString because it contain some special character. 您必须对urlString进行url编码,因为它包含一些特殊字符。

NSString *ourPath = @"http://maps.apple.com/?q=Plaça+del+Rei+43003+Tarragona";
ourPath=[ourPath stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

It is delegate method of UIAlertView , This method is use for fire action related to selected button of UIAlertView 它是UIAlertView委托方法,该方法用于与UIAlertView选定按钮相关的射击动作

for example : 例如 :

- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
  if(buttonIndex == 1)
      /// write code for button 1 of UIAlertView; (here put 1 URL)
  else if(buttonIndex == 2)
    /// write code for button 2 of UIAlertView; (here put 2 URL)

So, why you use two UIAlertView for TWO URL, put url in separated block of button clicked in delegate method of UIAlertView . 因此,为什么要对两个URL使用两个UIAlertView,请将url放在UIAlertView委托方法中单击的按钮的单独块中。

I thing your send URL is wrong 我认为您的发送网址错误

it should be 它应该是


instead 代替

NSString *enc = [match.location stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

NSString *location = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", @"http://maps.google.com/maps?q=",enc];
NSLog(@"%@", location);
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:location]];

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