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[英]Declaring arrays inside an if statement

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    char x;

    printf("enter something ");

    if(x == 's') char y[] = "sauve";

    else char y[] = "hi"


It says "y" is not declared first. 它说不是先声明“ y”。 I'm new to arrays. 我是数组的新手。 What I want to do is display the string "suave" when the user inputs letter s. 我想做的是当用户输入字母s时显示字符串“ suave”。

Do like: 喜欢:

 char *y;
 if(x == 's') y = "sauve";
 else y = "hi";

Otherwise you have to use strcpy() and declare array before if: 否则,您必须在以下情况下使用strcpy()并声明数组:

 char y[SIZE] = "";       //1. sufficiently long size
 if(x == 's') 
      strcpy(y, "sauve"); //2. after declaration you can't assign used strcpy
     strcpy(y, "hi");
 printf("%s", y);        //3. now scope is not problem 

You code translates to 您的代码转换为

int main() {
    char x;
    printf("enter something ");
    if(x == 's') {
        char y[] = "sauve";
    } else {
        char y[] = "hi";

As might seem more obvious now, the variable 'y' that you declare is bound to the { ... } scopes it is declared in. You cannot use 'y' outside of the scope it was declared in. To fix this, declare 'y' in the outer scope like this: 现在看来似乎更显而易见的是,您声明的变量y绑定到了声明的{...}范围。您不能在声明其的范围之外使用y。要解决此问题,请声明在外部范围中的“ y”是这样的:

int main() {
    char x;
    printf("enter something ");
    const char *y;
    if(x == 's') {
        y = "sauve";
    } else {
        y = "hi";
    return 0;

Note also how I use a pointer instead of an array, because the size of the array can't be known when 'y' is defined. 还要注意我如何使用指针而不是数组,因为定义“ y”时无法知道数组的大小。 Also don't forget to return something from main(). 同样不要忘记从main()返回某些内容。

Use this instead : 使用它代替:

char *y;
if(x == 's') y = "sauve";
else y = "hi";


By declaring y before the if statement and not inside, you are extending the y scope. 通过在if语句之前而不是内部声明y ,可以扩展y范围。 And you don't need braces here. 而且您在这里不需要括号。

EDIT : (From the comment of Eric and Carl) 编辑:(从埃里克和卡尔的评论)

if (x == 's') char y[] = "sauve";
else char y[] = "hi";


In the C grammar, a declaration is not a statement. 在C语法中, 声明不是语句。 The syntax for if is if (expression) statement [else statement] . if的语法是if (expression) statement [else statement] The single “statement” in an if without braces must be a statement. 如果不带大括号,则单个“陈述”必须为陈述。 It may not be a declaration . 它可能不是声明 It can be a compound-statement , which is a brace-enclosed block-item-list , and block-item-list may be or contain a declaration . 它可以是复合语句 ,它是一个用大括号括起来的block-item-list ,而block-item-list可以是或者包含一个声明

So here the declaration is purely illegal. 因此,这里的声明完全是非法的。 You cannot declare y in an if-statement without braces. 您不能在没有大括号的if-statement声明y

But if you add braces : 但是,如果您添加大括号:

if (x == 's') { char y[] = "sauve"; }
else { char y[] = "hi"; }


Here it is legal in theory but there is a new problem now... The declaration of y is now bounded to the { ... } scope. 这在理论上是合法的,但现在有一个新问题…… y的声明现在受{ ... }范围的限制。 There will be an error of the type : error: use of undeclared identifier 'y' on the printf line. 将出现以下类型的错误: error: use of undeclared identifier 'y'printf行上error: use of undeclared identifier 'y'

Your array declaration is in if scope not in the main function. 如果范围不在主函数中,则数组声明在其中。 Therefore you can't acces them. 因此,您无法访问它们。 Declare it at the beginning of the main function. 在主要功能的开头声明它。 it is nothing special to arrays. 数组没有什么特别的。 Technically in C89, all the variables are defined at the starting of a scope, C++ allows the declaration of variable anywhere in the scope. 从技术上讲,在C89中,所有变量都在作用域的开始处定义,C ++允许在作用域中的任何位置声明变量。 (Thanks to the larsmans for his comments. I think many textbooks and blog entries should be updated.) (感谢拉尔斯曼先生的评论。我认为许多教科书和博客条目都应进行更新。)

If I put in the blocks {} we get: 如果我把blocks {}放进去,我们得到:

    int main(){
    char x;

    printf("enter something ");

    if(x == 's') { char y[] = "sauve";}

    else {char y[] = "hi";}

    printf("%s",y); /* y is now out of scope of both its declarations*/

Does that explain what is happening ? 这说明发生了什么吗?

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