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[英]How to specify the line under cursor in Vim?

I want to count number of occurrences of the line under the cursor. 我想计算光标下行的出现次数。 I intend to do it with the 我打算用它来做


command. 命令。 So how do I specify the line under cursor in place of pattern ? 那么如何指定光标下的线代替pattern呢?

You can insert the current line via the expression register . 您可以通过表达式寄存器插入当前行。 For a literal match, switch the regular expression to very nomagic mode ( \\V ), and escape any backslashes and the separator in the line: 对于文字匹配,将正则表达式切换到非常无意义模式( \\V ),并转义行中的任何反斜杠和分隔符:

:%s/\V<C-r>=escape(getline('.'), '/\')<CR>/&/gn

Depending on what you want to count exactly, you may also need to anchor ( \\^...\\$ in very nomagic mode) the pattern. 根据您想要精确计算的内容,您可能还需要锚定( \\^...\\$以非常无条件模式)模式。

Instead of direct insertion via <Cr> , you can also build the command via :execute . 您也可以通过:execute来构建命令,而不是通过<Cr>直接插入。 This is more suitable in a function. 这更适合功能。

:execute '%s/\V' . escape(getline('.'), '/\') . '/&/gn'

If you're looking for a canned plugin solution, my SearchPosition plugin can count occurrences. 如果您正在寻找一个预装插件解决方案,我的SearchPosition插件可以计算出现次数。 With it, V<Am> will show a summary like this: 有了它, V<Am>将显示如下摘要:

On sole match in this line, 8 following, 2 in previous lines; total 10 for /this line\n/

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