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JAX-RPC,Spring Web服务和UnsupportedOperationCallException

[英]JAX-RPC, Spring web services, and UnsupportedOperationCallException

I have a JAX-RPC web service that I am attempting to consume using Spring. 我有一个使用Spring尝试使用的JAX-RPC Web服务。 This is my first time using Spring to consume a web service, so right now I'm just trying to get it to integrate with the JAX-RPC web service as a test. 这是我第一次使用Spring来使用Web服务,所以现在我只是想使其与JAX-RPC Web服务集成作为测试。

The web service has several dozen operations in it, but for right now I only care about one. 该Web服务中包含数十种操作,但是目前我只关心其中一项。 Here are the interfaces I've created on the Spring/client side: 这是我在Spring /客户端创建的接口:

public interface WSClient {
    public boolean userExists(int userid);

public interface WSService {
    //this method matches the method signature of the Web Service
    public com.company.data.User getUser(int userid);

And here is my applicationContext.xml: 这是我的applicationContext.xml:

<bean id="WSClient" class="com.company.ws.test.WSClientImpl">
    <property name="service" ref="myWebService"></property>

<bean id="myWebService" class="org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc.JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean">
    <property name="serviceInterface" value="com.company.ws.test.WSService"/>
    <property name="endpointAddress" value=""/>
    <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://www.company.com/wdsl"/>
    <property name="serviceName" value="CompanyWebService"/>
    <property name="username" value="username"/>
    <property name="password" value="password"/>
    <property name="maintainSession" value="true"/>

Using this configuration of JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean , invoking the Service returns the following exception: 使用JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean此配置,调用服务将返回以下异常:

org.springframework.remoting.RemoteProxyFailureException: Invalid JAX-RPC call configuration; org.springframework.remoting.RemoteProxyFailureException:无效的JAX-RPC调用配置; nested exception is operation style: "rpc" not supported 嵌套异常是操作样式:不支持“ rpc”

I've never fully understood the difference between RPC and document-style web services; 我从来没有完全理解RPC和文档样式的Web服务之间的区别。 however, I believe this web service is using RPC-style - so this exception confuses me. 但是,我相信此Web服务使用的是RPC样式-因此此异常使我感到困惑。

Second, I'm confused on which properties I should be setting with JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean : 其次,我对应该使用JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean设置哪些属性感到困惑:

  1. If I set the wsdlDocumentUrl property, I end up getting a HTTP 401 error as this web service sits behind HTTP Basic Authentication, and it seems Spring does not use the username/password properties when fetching the WSDL. 如果我设置wsdlDocumentUrl属性,由于该Web服务位于HTTP基本身份验证后面,我最终会收到HTTP 401错误,并且在获取WSDL时Spring似乎没有使用username / password属性。
  2. If I specify a PortInterface property (with a value of CompanyWebServiceInterfacePort ), then I get a different Exception stating: 如果我指定一个PortInterface属性(值为CompanyWebServiceInterfacePort ),那么我将得到另一个异常说明:

    Failed to initialize service for JAX-RPC port [{ http://www.company.com/wdsl }CompanyWebServiceInterfacePort]; 无法初始化JAX-RPC端口[{ http://www.company.com/wdsl } CompanyWebServiceInterfacePort]的服务; nested exception is WSDL data missing, this operation is not available 嵌套异常是缺少WSDL数据,此操作不可用

In other words, it's telling me that the WSDL is missing - which I can't set since Spring won't use the username/password to fetch it from the server! 换句话说,这是在告诉我缺少WSDL-我无法设置WSDL,因为Spring不会使用用户名/密码从服务器中获取用户名/密码!

I'm not sure if any of this makes any sense, but in essence what I'm unsure of is: 我不确定这是否有意义,但是本质上我不确定的是:

  1. For a JAX-RPC service, do I need to set the PortInterface property? 对于JAX-RPC服务,是否需要设置PortInterface属性? Is this the path I should be going down? 这是我应该走的路吗?
  2. Similiarly, does Spring need me to set the wsdlDocumentUrl property? 类似地,Spring是否需要我设置wsdlDocumentUrl属性? If so, is there any way I can tell Spring which WSDL and get around the authentication problem? 如果是这样,我有什么办法可以告诉Spring哪个WSDL并解决身份验证问题?

I eventually solved this by saving a copy of the WSDL file locally, and, since JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean expects a java.net.URL for the wsdlDocumentUrl property, had to set it with a path like file:///c:/.../blah.wsdl . 我最终通过在本地保存WSDL文件的副本解决了此问题,并且由于JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean希望wsdlDocumentUrl属性具有java.net.URL ,因此必须使用file:///c:/.../blah.wsdl这样的路径进行设置。 file:///c:/.../blah.wsdl

This isn't really all that desireable, I would hate to have to put a file:/// URI in a Spring context file that might be deployed on a server, especially on a different platform - seems odd that this class behaves this way. 这并不是真正想要的,我讨厌必须将file:/// URI放入可能部署在服务器上的Spring上下文文件中,尤其是在不同的平台上-此类的行为方式似乎很奇怪。

I'm guessing most people aren't using Spring aren't using JAX-RPC anyway. 我猜想大多数人不使用Spring也不使用JAX-RPC。

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