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Web应用程序进入IBM Websphere Portal 6.0

[英]Web application into IBM Websphere portal 6.0

We have developed standalone web application using struts & jsp. 我们已经使用struts和jsp开发了独立的Web应用程序。 But the user need that application should be hosted inside IBM Websphere Portal 6.0 inside new portlet. 但是用户需要将该应用程序托管在新portlet内的IBM Websphere Portal 6.0内。 Is there any feature is available to show the application Page / include web application into portal. 是否有任何功能可以显示应用程序页面/将Web应用程序包含到门户中。 Any Idea on how we have achieve that? 关于我们如何实现这一目标的任何想法? Let me know if any other informations are required. 让我知道是否需要其他信息。

If you don't want to rewrite the entire application in portlets, there is the Web Application Integrator you can try to use. 如果您不想在Portlet中重写整个应用程序,则可以尝试使用Web Application Integrator。 It will let you pull another application into Portal while giving it the same theme (aka look and feel) as the Portal. 它将使您将另一个应用程序拉入Portal,同时为其赋予与Portal相同的主题(即外观)。

Link to Web Application Intergrator on Lotus Greenhouse https://greenhouse.lotus.com/plugins/plugincatalog.nsf/assetDetails.xsp?action=editDocument&documentId=31AC15EF8BF546DF85257700005C50BE 链接到Lotus Greenhouse上的Web应用程序集成器https://greenhouse.lotus.com/plugins/plugincatalog.nsf/assetDetails.xsp?action=editDocument&documentId=31AC15EF8BF546DF85257700005C50BE

Otherwise to get this running in Portal you will need to rewrite the application using the portlet spec. 否则,要使其在Portal中运行,您将需要使用Portlet规范重写应用程序。 Struts library is a supported development path in Portal 7 & 8 but I haven't worked with V6 to know what kind of support you'd get there. Struts库是Portal 7和8中受支持的开发路径,但是我还没有使用V6来了解您将获得哪种支持。 Some simple google searches should get you some tutorials on building portlets with struts. 一些简单的Google搜索应该会为您提供有关使用Struts构建portlet的一些教程。

If at all possible try to convince whoever is asking for this to upgrade to at least Portal 7. As Udo mentioned, Portal 6 has aged quite a bit and there may not be much support available from IBM if something goes wrong. 如果有可能,请尝试说服谁要求将其至少升级到Portal7。正如Udo所说,Portal 6已经老化了很多,如果出现问题,IBM可能没有太多支持。

There is a struts sample in the Solution Catalog. 解决方案目录中有一个struts示例 If you ask me however, I'd call it a dead end. 但是,如果您问我,我会称之为死胡同。 Struts 1 is EOL and WebSphere Portal 6.0 as well. Struts 1也是EOL和WebSphere Portal 6.0。

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