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[英]How long does it take an image to fail -?

I load images from the internet as such: 我从互联网上加载图像:

img.src = 'some_path'

I noticed that some images take a long time to load if the network is slow, and some take a long time to load and then fail. 我注意到如果网络速度慢,有些图像需要很长时间才能加载,有些图像需要很长时间才能加载然后失败。

Sometimes, the domain is down all together. 有时候,域名一起倒下了。 If the server is down, this works well, because an error will be thrown pretty quickly and I can catch the error and change the src accordingly. 如果服务器关闭,这很好用,因为错误会很快抛出,我可以捕获错误并相应地更改src

However, for pages that are slow and then fail - I see that the browser displays some sort of blank box for what seems like 10 seconds or more before finally erroring out. 但是,对于慢速然后失败的页面 - 我看到浏览器显示某种空白框,看起来像10秒或更长时间,最后出错。

It seems like way too long. 这似乎太长了。 I'd say give the site about 4 seconds and then throw an error if it does not respond. 我会说给网站大约4秒钟然后如果它没有响应则抛出错误。

Is there anyway to adjust this? 反正有调整吗?

The amount of time the client waits before throwing an error? 客户端在抛出错误之前等待的时间量?

It just looks sloppy to have this sort of blank blox staring at the user for 10 or more seconds. 让这种空白blox盯着用户10秒或更长时间看起来很邋。

Currently in FireFox. 目前在FireFox中。

The only way I know of to set a timeout for getting something in script is by using an XMLHttpRequest , so you could load in your image through ajax, for example; 我知道在脚本中设置超时以获取内容的唯一方法是使用XMLHttpRequest ,因此您可以通过ajax加载图像;

function getImage(src, callback, maxTime) {
    var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
    if (maxTime) x.timeout = maxTime;
    x.onload = function () {
        var img = new Image();
        img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.response);
    x.onerror = function () {
    x.open('GET', src, true);
    x.responseType = 'blob'; // save having to re-create blob
    'some_path',     // get image at "some_path"
    function (img) { // then
        if (!img) alert('failed!');          // whatever if didnt work
        else document.body.appendChild(img); // whatever if did work
    4000             // maximum wait is 4 seconds

Disadvantages of this method are browser backwards compatibility and if the server returns something but it is not an image 此方法的缺点是浏览器向后兼容性,如果服务器返回某些内容但它不是图像

Try this: 试试这个:

var img = document.getElementById("myImg")
img.src = 'https://atmire.com/dspace-labs3/bitstream/handle/123456789/7618/earth-map-huge.jpg?sequence=1'; //very big image, takes like 7 seconds to  load
        img.src = "http://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo4w.png";

function IsImageOk(img) {
    // During the onload event, IE correctly identifies any images that
    // weren’t downloaded as not complete. Others should too. Gecko-based
    // browsers act like NS4 in that they report this incorrectly.
    if (!img.complete) {
        return false;

    // However, they do have two very useful properties: naturalWidth and
    // naturalHeight. These give the true size of the image. If it failed
    // to load, either of these should be zero.

    if (typeof img.naturalWidth != "undefined" && img.naturalWidth == 0) {
        return false;

    // No other way of checking: assume it’s ok.
    return true;

jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/hescano/mLhdv/ jsFiddle: http//jsfiddle.net/hescano/mLhdv/

using code from Check if an image is loaded (no errors) in JavaScript 使用代码来检查JavaScript中是否加载了图像(没有错误)

Note that the first time the code will run fine, but after that the image will be cached and it might load faster. 请注意,第一次代码运行正常,但之后图像将被缓存,并且可能加载更快。

Cross / Backward compatible 交叉/向后兼容

function loadImage(src, complete, timeout) {
    var img = document.createElement("img");
    img.src = src;
    setTimeout(function() {
        complete(img.complete && img.naturalWidth !== 0 ? img : false);
    }, timeout || 5000);

loadImage("path/to/image.png", function(img) {
    if(img) {
    } else {
}, 4000);

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