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jquery:选择具有classname和node index的元素

[英]jquery: select element with classname and node index

I have a bunch of elements with the class ".myclass". 我有一堆带有“.myclass”类的元素。 Now I'd like to select one of these elements by its node index and animate it. 现在我想通过节点索引选择其中一个元素并为其设置动画。 I get an error that says the element has no function animate. 我收到一个错误,指出该元素没有函数动画。

example: 例:

<div class="myclass"></div>
<div class="myclass"></div>
<div class="myclass"></div>

var indizes = [0, 3];

$.each(indizes, function(i, v) {
        left: 100
    }, 1000);

Apparently the error comes from using a wrong selector. 显然,错误来自使用错误的选择器。 It does work if I use 如果我使用它确实有用


instead of 代替


Is this the actual problem? 这是实际问题吗? It seems so weird to me to nest selectors. 嵌套选择器对我来说似乎很奇怪。

Is this the actual problem? 这是实际问题吗?

Yes. 是。 If you access a selected element via bracket notation, you get the raw DOM element back. 如果通过括号表示法访问所选元素,则会返回原始DOM元素。 DOM elements don't have an animate method. DOM元素没有animate方法。 By passing the DOM element to jQuery again ( $($('.myclass')[v]) ) you are creating a jQuery object (again). 通过再次将DOM元素传递给jQuery( $($('.myclass')[v]) ),您将再次创建一个jQuery对象。

You can avoid this and use .eq to get a jQuery object for the element at that index: 您可以避免这种情况并使用.eq来获取该索引处元素的jQuery对象:


It would be better to keep a reference to the selected elements outside the loop though: 最好在循环外保留对所选元素的引用:

var indizes = [0, 3];
var $elements = $('.myclass');

$.each(indizes, function(i, v) {
        left: 100
    }, 1000);

Alternatively, you can use .filter to filter out the elements you want to animate, which at least looks a bit more concise: 或者,您可以使用.filter过滤掉您想要制作动画的元素,这至少看起来更简洁:

$('.myclass').filter(function(i) {
    return $.inArray(i, indizes) > -1;
    left: 100
}, 1000);

You are doing everything right, and yes you do have to re-wrap the element like so. 你正在做的一切正确,是的,你必须像这样重新包装元素。

var indizes = [0, 3],
    elements = $('.myclass');

$.each(indizes, function(i, v) {
        left: 100
    }, 1000);

When you do $('.myclass')[0] then that element doesn't have any jQuery methods attached to it anymore 当你执行$('.myclass')[0] ,那个元素就不再有任何附加到它的jQuery方法了

when you use $('.myclass')[v] you are getting the actual DOM object at index v 当你使用$('.myclass')[v]你将获得索引v处的实际DOM对象

you could use below instead of trying to use an array notation 您可以使用下面而不是尝试使用数组表示法


:eq doc :eq doc

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