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[英]Send Linux command from C program

I'm writing a C program to run in Linux shell. 我正在编写一个在Linux shell中运行的C程序。 Now I got a problem with such command. 现在我遇到了这样的命令问题。

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
char* command="history>>history";

I want it to write the result of command "history" into a document, but it failed with a blank one. 我希望它将命令“ history”的结果写入文档,但是失败,并显示空白。

If I change it to "date>>history", current system time will be written into the document. 如果将其更改为“ date >> history”,则当前系统时间将写入文档中。

Is there any problem with "history>>history"? “历史>>历史”有什么问题吗? What should I do if I want to get that work? 如果我想得到那份工作该怎么办? Thanks! 谢谢!

The problem is that history is not a real command but a shell builtin. 问题在于history不是真正的命令,而是内置的shell。 Thus you can't call it from a C program[1]. 因此,您不能从C程序[1]调用它。

Depending on the shell the user is using, you can instead get the history from ~/.bash_history , ~/.zsh_history and so on. 根据用户使用的外壳,您可以改为从~/.bash_history~/.zsh_history等获取历史记录。 Note however that zsh only write to this file at the end of a session. 但是请注意,zsh仅在会话结束时写入此文件。

[1] Well, you could theorically try system("bash -c history") , but you won't get the actual history because the builtin isn't run in the context of the current session. [1]好吧,从理论上讲,您可以尝试system("bash -c history") ,但是由于内置函数未在当前会话的上下文中运行,因此您将无法获得实际的历史记录。

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