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[英]Scraping float values for multiple classes of the same name

I'm trying apply the same mathematical changes to 6 different number in 6 difference spans that all share the same class.我正在尝试将相同的数学更改应用于 6 个不同跨度中的 6 个不同数字,这些数字都共享同一类。 With this HTML:使用此 HTML:

<span class="PageText_L483n">$8.00</span>
<span class="PageText_L483n">$9.00</span>
<span class="PageText_L483n">$10.00</span>
<span class="PageText_L483n">$11.00</span>
<span class="PageText_L483n">$12.00</span>
<span class="PageText_L483n">$13.00</span>

I originally had this JS:我最初有这个JS:

$(function() {
       var price = parseFloat($('.PageText_L483n').text().substr(1));
       var discount = price * 0.2;
       var newPrice = price - discount;
       var newText = '<div>$' + price + '</div> $' + newPrice;
       $('.PageText_L483n div').css("text-decoration", "line-through");


But this would simply replace all the spans with the information from the first span.但这只会用第一个跨度的信息替换所有跨度。 So then I tried to use arrays with this JS:然后我尝试在这个 JS 中使用数组:

$(function() {

       var prices = [];
       for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
           prices[i] = parseFloat($('.PageText_L483n:nth-of-type(i+1)').text().trim().substr(1));
       for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
            var discount = prices[j] * 0.2;
            var newPrice = prices[j] - discount;
            var newText = '<div>$' + prices[j] + '</div> $' + newPrice;
            $('.PageText_L483n div').css("text-decoration", "line-through");


But now it doesn't do anything.但现在它什么都不做。 Could someone point me in the right direction?有人能指出我正确的方向吗?

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/vSePd/ JSFiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/vSePd/


Since you're using jQuery, you can easily loop through the elements themselves:由于您使用的是 jQuery,您可以轻松地遍历元素本身:

$(function() {

    $('span.PageText_L483n').each(function() {
        var span = $(this);
        var price = parseFloat(span.text().substring(1));
        var discount = price * 0.2;
        var newPrice = price - discount;
        span.html('<div style=text-decoration:line-through>$' + price.toFixed(2) + '</div> $' + newPrice.toFixed(2));


If you don't want to use jQuery for whatever reason:如果您出于任何原因不想使用 jQuery:

$(function() {
    var spans = document.querySelectorAll('span.PageText_L483n');

    for ( var i = 0, l = spans.length; i < l; ++i ) {
        var price =  parseFloat(spans[i].textContent.substring(1));
        var discount = price * 0.2;
        var newPrice = price - discount;
        spans[i].innerHTML = '<div style=text-decoration:line-through>$' + price.toFixed(2) + '</div> $' + newPrice.toFixed(2);

As kalley has illustrated, jQuery's .each() would be a suitable function to use when performing an action on a set of elements that match a selector.正如 kalley 所说明的,jQuery 的.each()将是一个合适的函数,可以在对匹配选择器的一组元素执行操作时使用。

The reason why $('.PageText_L483n') breaks your code is that it always selects all of your span s. $('.PageText_L483n')破坏你的代码的原因是它总是选择你的所有span So when using $('.PageText_L483n').html(newText) , for example, the html() function will be applied to all elements that match the selector.因此,例如,当使用$('.PageText_L483n').html(newText)html()函数将应用于与选择器匹配的所有元素。

When using each() , you get access to $(this) , which basically points to the one single element of all the matched elements that the function is currently looping through, and this allows you to perform a separate action during each run.使用each() ,您可以访问$(this) ,它基本上指向函数当前循环遍历的所有匹配元素中的一个元素,这允许您在每次运行期间执行单独的操作。


Look at this: http://jsfiddle.net/vSePd/3/看看这个: http : //jsfiddle.net/vSePd/3/

Is that what you mean?你是这个意思吗?

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