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[英]Change title in browser tab

I'm trying to change the title in browser tab for a child theme of twentytwelve.我正在尝试更改浏览器选项卡中的标题,以获得 2012 的子主题。 I wan't it to print out the same title on every page.我不想在每一页上打印出相同的标题。 What the heck is happening?到底发生了什么?

    function im_awesome_title($title){
      $title = "Im awesome!";
    return $title;
    add_filter( 'wp_title', 'im_awesome_title', 20 );

or some like this.或一些像这样。 script better put in the end of all php tags脚本最好放在所有php标签的末尾

//set title
echo "<script>setTimeout(function(){var tts = document.getElementsByTagName(\"title\");if(tts.length > 0)tts[0].innerHTML=\"My title\"; else {var tt0 = document.createElement(\"TITLE\"); tt0.innerHTML = \"My title\"; document.head.appendChild(tt0);}}, 200);</script>";

Your im_awesome_title($title) function will always return the value of $title when invoked.您的 im_awesome_title($title) 函数在调用时将始终返回 $title 的值。 To print this title on every page, you will need to call the function in the title meta tag of your pages.要在每个页面上打印此标题,您需要在页面的标题元标记中调用该函数。 So it will look like this:所以它看起来像这样:

<title><?php echo im_awesome_title($title); ?></title>

Of course your function expects an argument, so if you want the same title on every page, it's best to leave out the argument and simply set your $title variable to whatever page title that you want to use on all your pages.当然,您的函数需要一个参数,因此如果您希望在每个页面上使用相同的标题,最好省略该参数,只需将 $title 变量设置为您想要在所有页面上使用的任何页面标题。

Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。

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