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[英]how use provisioning profile ios to get an IPA file

I have a valid IOS dev certificate and profile as I can seefrom XCode 我从XCode可以看到有一个有效的IOS开发证书和配置文件 在此输入图像描述

I have a mobile app working and I d like to create a IOS package - a IPA file that I'd like to test on my iPhone using TestFlight. 我有一个移动应用程序工作,我想创建一个IOS包 - 一个IPA文件,我想在我的iPhone上使用TestFlight进行测试。

What I need to insert in my Trigger.io tool kit > Toold > Profile ? 我需要在Trigger.io工具包> Toold> Profile中插入什么内容?

You can search for it in the apple support page. 您可以在苹果支持页面中搜索它。 How to create an IPA file is explained quite clear in the 'Creating an iOS App Store Package' section: 如何创建IPA文件在“创建iOS App Store包”部分中非常清楚地说明:

https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/TestingYouriOSApp/TestingYouriOSApp.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH8-SW1 https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/TestingYouriOSApp/TestingYouriOSApp.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH8-SW1

Solve out I think (not sure cos I stilll have to test my .api) I have give the path to my ios profile and where it asking profile just the name of my profile ios file. 我想解决(不确定因为我仍然需要测试我的.api)我已经给了我的ios配置文件的路径以及它询问配置文件只是我的配置文件ios文件的名称。 That gave me error in Trigger.io output but apparently I have my .api file in release directory. 这给了我Trigger.io输出错误,但显然我在发布目录中有我的.api文件。

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