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[英]Qt designer and Creator

I have experience in C++, but I am totally new to Linux programming. 我有C ++的经验,但是我是Linux编程的新手。

I figured out how to build a GUI, in Qt Designer, but I want to subclass QTextEdit before I create the interface, so I can create my own slots. 我想出了如何在Qt Designer中构建GUI的方法,但是我想在创建接口之前将QTextEdit子类化,以便可以创建自己的插槽。 If I use Qt Creator first, then my code doesn't show up when I switch back to Designer. 如果我首先使用Qt Creator,那么当我切换回Designer时,我的代码不会显示。

Could someone please explain the relationship between Designer and Creator, and how I maneuver between the two? 有人可以解释一下Designer和Creator之间的关系,以及我如何在两者之间进行调整吗?

to keep things simple.. 保持简单..

  • QT Creator it's nothing more nothing less then just an IDE (btw it has Qt Designer components build in, but I still prefer standalone designer).. Editor, front-end to GDB, project management.. mostly everything you can find in other IDE's QT Creator不仅是一个IDE(它内置了Qt Designer组件,但我还是更喜欢独立设计器)。.编辑器,GDB的前端,项目管理..大多数在其他IDE中可以找到的功能

  • QT Designer - user interface editor which produce an XML files which can be used in two ways. QT Designer-用户界面编辑器,它生成可以两种方式使用的XML文件。 1) process them with MOC preprocessor (part of Qt) which generates you C++ classes for your user interface components 2) (which I prefer much more) load them runtime 1)使用MOC预处理器(Qt的一部分)处理它们,从而为您的用户界面组件生成C ++类2)(我更喜欢)将它们加载到运行时

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