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使用Sublime Text插件搜索并替换当前文件

[英]Search and replace in current file with Sublime Text plugin

I am trying to port a Sublime Text build system to a plugin. 我正在尝试将Sublime Text构建系统移植到插件。

The build system would receive the current file and go through it with this code: 构建系统将接收当前文件,并使用以下代码对其进行遍历:

for line in fileinput.input(inplace=1):

Now, in the plugin syntax I go the fact that the way to get my current file's content is: 现在,在插件语法中,我得出这样一个事实,即获取当前文件内容的方式是:

input = self.view.substr(
  sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())

But now I'm not sure about what I should do about the next operation. 但是现在我不确定下一步应该怎么做。

for line in input(inplace=1):

How could I make replacements in the file on-the-fly and then save it? 如何即时替换文件,然后保存?

I don't think the Sublime Text plugin API can save the buffer, but you could use the file_name() method in the sublime.View class and work with the file directly. 我认为Sublime Text插件API无法保存缓冲区,但是您可以在sublime.View类中使用file_name()方法并直接使用该文件。

As noted by @MattDMo, the file can be saved using view.run_command('save') . 如@MattDMo所述,可以使用view.run_command('save')保存文件。

It may be easier to use the file name if your old build file worked with that. 如果您的旧版本文件可以使用该文件名,则使用它可能会更容易。

As stated by @RazerM, the first argument has to be the file path. 如@RazerM所述,第一个参数必须是文件路径。 So for my example, this will work. 因此,对于我的示例,这将起作用。

for line in fileinput.input(self.view.file_name(), inplace=1):

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