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[英]Diskpart commands from WinRT application in C#

I am developing WinRT application in which I wanted to fire few commands in "DiskPart" CMD tool , within the application. 我正在开发WinRT应用程序,在其中我想在应用程序内的“ DiskPart” CMD工具中触发一些命令

Development Environment is in C# + XAML 开发环境在C#+ XAML中

for example, I want to fire list disk command which is a DiskPart command, that gives details of disks exists on hardDrive. 例如,我要触发list disk命令,它是一个DiskPart命令,它给出了硬盘驱动器上存在的磁盘的详细信息。

Simply, my WinRT application will let user, 简而言之,我的WinRT应用程序将允许用户,

  • format a partition of hardDrive 格式化硬盘驱动器的分区
  • copying some contents into/from the specific partition 将某些内容复制到特定分区/从特定分区复制

on specific events like button click & etc 在特定事件上,例如按钮单击等

Sorry, but there's no current way to access the Diskpart commands from inside the WinRT sandbox. 抱歉,但是目前没有从WinRT沙箱内部访问Diskpart命令的方法。

There's also restrictions on local network loopbacks in order to hinder the "app talking to a service outside the sandbox" for security reasons as well. 出于安全原因,为了防止“应用程序与沙箱外部的服务进行对话”,本地网络环回也受到限制。

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